Monday, October 01, 2007

Paul's Update - 09/30/07

Dear Friends:

It turned out that Paul did not have therapy on Friday. Dad ended up running errands most of the day. He started out in the morning and went to the Social Security office to see if an error we noticed was important and needed to be corrected. As picky as Social Security is about getting all the right information on their forms, we noticed that they had put down that Paul did NOT have a legal guardian!! When Dad pointed out the error the lady said it really didn’t matter!!! Oh brother ... I hope it really isn’t! After he finished at Social Security Dad went to the Social Services office to give the social worker the documents to show the legal change of Guardian/Consverator for Paul. The social worker was out but Dad left the information anyway. In the afternoon Dad went to pick up a new prescription for Paul’s Keppra (the antisiezure medicine) and then came home. Paul spent the day mostly with Dora watching the new TV. He doesn’t give up his chair much but that evening he chose to sit on the couch. Dad told Dora she could sit in Paul’s new chair since Paul had taken her seat ... but she sheepishly said “no”. I guess she felt it would be inappropriate! We all went out for dinner with Bill & Ronda. We also had Alysa & Chris for the evening so Carolyn & Billy could go out to celebrate a friend’s birthday. Paul had the fish (he really likes that). He was pretty hungry and ate almost all of his dinner. Alysa spent the night with us. When it was bedtime Alysa went to give Paul a hug and kiss and he reached out and gave her a hug back!! Saturday morning I went out with Ronda. Paul, Dad & Alysa watched cartoons. You haven’t lived until you see cartoons on a 40” screen TV!! Later in the day we went to Warrenton for Mexican food with Bill & Ronda. They had Lew and Serenity (Lou’s baby sister). The kids wanted to go to the pet store after lunch so Dad drove Paul over. The rest of us walked over since the store is in the same shopping center as the restaurant. Paul walked into the store and walked all around to look at the pets. There weren’t many animals ... mostly mice & ferrets. The kids also enjoy the amphibians and the fish so we looked at them too. Once we got home the rest of the evening was pretty quiet. We all had ice creams later in the evening. Dad had gotten some ice cream cones and sandwiches at Costco ... yummm! Paul was tired and went to bed pretty early. It was only about 10:30pm but we all were pretty tired. Sunday morning we went to breakfast. The people at the restaurant all seem to know us ... staff & customers!! Dad overheard one lady commenting on how well Paul is doing! We had a large group for breakfast. Bill, Ronda, Lew & Serenity ... Carolyn, Alysa, Chris ... Carl, Paul, Gradis & me. Dad went out after breakfast to get some birthday presents for Uncle Wally & cousin Kaitlyn. We headed to Shirley & Wally’s house right after church. Max was with us today. He was very good as usual. He wasn’t’ suppose to be with us this weekend but we don’t turn down opportunities to have him!! He is such a joy! We spent about 3 hours at the birthday party before heading home. On the way home we made a stop at McDonalds. All the adults had fish filets but Max had chicken nuggets and the little guy ate all of them along with most of the French fries! After we got home Paul resumed residence in his new chair. He said he wanted to recline the chair so I helped him use the lever to pull his feet up. He was pretty comfortable and was watching TV while reclining! It seems like our weekends go so quickly. Monday we will be going to the eye doctor to see if there can be something done for the floater that Paul has in his eye. Since the doctor uses a laser procedure he wants to make sure Paul is a good candidate for it before he says he is willing to do it. Please pray for us to make the right decisions regarding this procedure ... it could help or it could permanently damage his eye!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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