Friday, October 12, 2007

Paul's Update - 10/11/07

Dear Friends:

Wow ... what a busy week. Monday was a holiday. After breakfast my Mom, Cathy, Keith, Ann & I headed out to get family pictures done. It was a great opportunity since we were all together and that doesn’t happen often. We came home and got lunch for Paul and ourselves. Paul was having a really good day. Dad said he has been really good about getting his attention when he needs to go to the bathroom. He didn’t have any accidents all day. After lunch my family took a trip to Arlington Cemetery where our dad is buried. He passed away on October 7, 2000 so this was the anniversary of his death. It was quite emotional for us. Paul stayed home with Dad & Dora. Dad has been working on having Paul stand more by himself (with only a little a assistance). Dad said later in the afternoon Paul stood up ALL BY HIMSELF!! We can see that someday he will be able to do that all the time!! We look forward to that day! Monday evening Mom, Keith and Ann went to Cathy’s house to spend the night.

Tuesday morning Keith went to DC Convention center for the US Department of Army meeting. He saw some interesting things and got some “freebies”! Dad stayed home with Paul. We were expecting Comcast to come and install cable TV. Since Paul is enjoying the new big screen TV we decided to also get the High Definition and DVR features along with the Cable Service. Unfortunately the guy who came didn’t realize we didn’t already have cable ... he thought we were only wiring ONE TV ... not 4. He said he would have to come back with different equipment on Wednesday. Dad said Paul had another great day. Since Paul has been doing so well with the walker Dad decided it was time to try to use a cane! Amazingly ... Paul walked without the walker ... he used ONLY the cane! He had to walk about 40 feet to the bathroom. He walked very slowly and took baby steps but he made it without losing his balance or falling!! He even corrects himself when he gets off balance. He did so well that Dad encouraged him to use the cane for the balance of the day. It was AMAZING! He walked back and forth to the bathroom with the cane about nine times throughout the day! It is a miracle ... another miracle (we’ve had MANY)! Keith came home pretty early and spent the day with Dad & Paul. Cathy went and got Keith at the Metro in Vienna and brought him to our house. They went to get lunch at a Korean BBQ restaurant before heading to our house!! Keith & Dad went out and got Pizza for dinner. Tuesday night was pretty quiet ... we visited with Keith and watched TV.

Wednesday morning Dad, Paul, Dora & Keith headed out to therapy. He had occupational therapy. She had him do some stretching. Then she had him work on a shape puzzle. He had to put the right shapes in the puzzle. She had him try to pick up certain colors by telling him which color to pick. He didn’t cooperated so she asked him to tell her the color of the blocks he had in his hand. She helped him some and he was able to get the green block ... he didn’t do well with the other colors though. After therapy Dad took Keith to the airport. He was there a bit early but he decided to get some lunch before his flight. Dad & I had an appointment with a CPA to look at Paul’s finances and help us with book keeping for Paul. Paul stayed home with Dora. The cable guy showed up right after we left. He wasn’t suppose to come until after 6pm but he finished up an appointment early and decided to squeeze us in. He installed the cable while we were gone. It was nice to be able to watch TV in High Definition. I spent some time working in my office getting things straightened out and paying bills while the guys watched TV. Except for the time we were gone, Paul walked with the cane again all day! Sometime during the evening we had a gift dropped at the house (on our swing) that was for Paul. Someone left it along with a note (unsigned) that reminded Paul that he is thought of and prayed for each day! What a nice blessing. We are so grateful for our friends who pray and continue to be concerned about Paul.

Thursday morning Paul had an appointment with a Physical Therapist. She was amazed that Paul could walk with the cane. She had him walk about 200 feet which he did in about a minute and six seconds. She said he “skipped a step” though. Normally folks first learn how to sit and stand before they learn how to walk. That’s OK though ... progress is progress!! We hope to get a lot out of physical therapy. He hasn’t had any physical therapy for several months. Dad, Paul & I had an appointment with our case manager from Brain Injury Services at 2pm. This is actually a new case manager so we have never met her before. She stayed for about an hour. Ronda brought dinner since it was bible study night. We had Taco Soup ... and Paul really enjoyed it. During the study Paul had set his coffee cup on the floor. He was kicking it while he was turning his chair so I asked him to pick up his cup. He reached over and picked it up ... so I said “put it on the fireplace” and he reached up and set it on the hearth. Who says he doesn’t understand what we are asking him??? After bible study we had some dessert with Bill & Ronda. Paul stayed up until after 11pm. Like I said ... a busy week! Between Paul standing by himself, walking with a walker, seeing a physical therapist, meeting with a CPA, meeting with Brain Injury Services ... along with our regular daily activities…we have been busy. Our blessings continue to amaze us!

Have a great weekend, Lynne & Carl


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