Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Paul's Update - 11/07/07

Dear Friends,

Monday was a quiet day for Paul. Dad & I had some errands to do. We left about 10am to visit with Paul’s social services case worker. She needed to update her file now that Dad & I are Paul’s guardians. Paul stayed with Dora while we were gone. Once we got home Dad made lunch for Paul. I went out to have lunch with Ronda. She and I had appointments for facials at 2:30pm. It was a nice way to spend time together and spoil ourselves a bit! Dad & I ordered Pizza for dinner. Paul enjoyed that! I had a meeting at the church until about 9pm. Paul still hasn’t adjusted to the time change and went to bed about 10pm.

Tuesday Paul had a dentist appointment at 12:20. The hygienist called in sick so they rescheduled him to come in at 1pm to see a substitute hygienist. She examined Paul’s teeth and discovered a couple of small cavities. She instructed Dad about how to do a better job of cleaning Paul’s teeth. Dora usually does this activity so Dad told her about it. She doesn’t go in with Dad when they are at the dentist ... she stays in the waiting room since there is limited space around the dental chair. Dad, Paul & Dora came home after the dentist appointment. Paul spent the afternoon watching movies with Dora. Dad worked on winterizing our boat since the weather will be getting pretty cold soon. After dinner I had an appointment and then went to the grocery store afterwards. Paul & Dad enjoy when I go to the store ... they have lots of choice for snacking!

Wednesday morning Paul had OT at 9:30am. The therapist had Paul work on putting his coat on and taking it off. He had to stand up, zip up his coat and then unzip it. He did that a few times. She had him work on a puzzle that had several shapes ... circles, squares, rectangles etc. He had to pick the right shapes and place them on the puzzle board. He did pretty good at that. He got bored after a few times but Dad encouraged him to finish. He finished without any help. She had him go to the stairs and hold onto the rail while taking balls out of a milk crate and transfer them to a chair that was an arms length away. He had to stretch and bend in order to place them on the chair. I thought this sounded a lot like doing the dishes at the dishwasher!! I think he needs more practice!! LOL ... Dad brought Paul home for lunch instead of eating at the hospital. They stopped on the way home to get Paul a haircut. His hair had gotten very long. After lunch Dad tried to encourage Paul to go to the gym but he wasn’t interested in doing that. Dad went out shopping later in the afternoon. Paul stayed with Dora. After dinner I spent some time learning about the new camera I bought for our cruise that is coming up the first of December. We are looking forward to it and starting to prepare for it! Paul was tired and ready for bed by 10pm again. Thursday Paul will have OT & PT. This is to make up for the PT that he missed out on last week.

Have a great day, Lynne & Carl


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