Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Paul's Update - 02/18/08

Dear Friends:

All of us seem to be feeling better and Paul has been able to function better this last week. Thursday was Valentines day and he had therapy that day. The occupational therapist handed Paul a pair of scissors and a paper that had a heart shape drawn on it. She told him to cut out the heart which he did without any help. Then she helped him write “Mom” and “Dad” on the outside and “Paul” on the inside of the heart which was folded in half. It is very special!! She also had him work on spelling his name. She wrote the letters of his name on post-it notes and put them on the wall in random order. He reached up and took the “P” and put it in front of him. He reached for the “L” and put it near the “P” but left a space between them. He picked out the “U” next and put it next to the “L” but there was only a small space between the “P” and the “U” so he reached up and MOVED the “P” over then put the “A” in the space!!! He spelled his name!!! Physical Therapy is more of the practice with walking. She also has him work on knee bends. Now that he feels better he seems to have much better balance. Friday Paul and Dad stayed home and had a quiet day. Saturday morning we had Carolyn’s children for a couple of hours. She has a dance class so we get to watch Alysa & Chris for her. We were able to go to El Agave in the afternoon. This was the first time Mayah has gone with us. I think he enjoyed it. Paul did well and didn’t get sick. Dad gave him some Dramamine before we left ... that may have helped ... it certainly didn’t hurt! After we got home Dad got in a nap. Mayah got a phone call from his cousin in England and was told that his Aunt had died. He managed to finish out his day but he decided to take Sunday off. Paul went to bed pretty early (about 9:30pm) which may have be a result of taking the Dramamine. We went to breakfast with Bill, Ronda, Lew & Serenity on Sunday morning. Max came in time to go to church with us. He has decided that he doesn’t really like us leaving him in the nursery and cries when we try to leave. He ended up staying in the sanctuary with Pap-Paw during the service. Pap-Paw noticed that he really enjoyed singing with us!! We spent the afternoon relaxing and playing with Max. Later in the evening Carolyn & Billy brought Chris & Alysa over so they could go out to dinner and bowling. It is so wonderful being able to enjoy our grandchildren! Max left about 7pm. When Mommy told Max to give Daddy a kiss goodbye he climbed up on Paul’s lap to give him a kiss. Paul bent over and gave him a kiss and then got the biggest smile on his face. He really enjoys this interaction with his son! Not many things make Paul smile and nothing makes him smile that much! Monday we had Max for the day. It was a holiday and the babysitter wanted the day off. Since Mommy had to work, Max spent the day with us. It was a beautiful morning ... almost 70 degrees. Carl, Paul, Dora & Max spent about an hour outside. Pap-Paw got out the wagon and took Max for a ride around the front yard while Daddy watched. When it was time to come in Paul used his cane and walked mostly by himself. The terrain in our front yard is not very even and it is a struggle for Paul to manage but he was able to recover well when he would lose his balance. Once the weather is warmer Paul may be able to practice walking on this uneven terrain more often. Max is busy the whole time he is here and loves bringing toys and other objects to Daddy. Paul will take the toy then give it back to Max. It is real nice to see them be able to interact even though it is on a small level! Max stayed until about 6:30pm ... we enjoyed our day with him!

Have a great day, Lynne & Carl


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