Thursday, January 25, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/24/07

Dear Friends:

Dad worked with Paul to do some exercises this afternoon. He did five arm curls with each arm, ten stomach crunches and ten leg lifts with each leg. He didn't want to do them but he kept going and got a good workout. Dad had him work with a 5 lb weight. His arms have gotten strong enough to control the weights without dropping them. He is controlling his wrists more too. He does almost as much with the right arm as he does with the left. He actually has more mobility in the right arm but has more strength in the left arm. Paul got a haircut today. Dad has an electric trimmer and Paul gets his hair "buzzed". It really makes it easier to clean his scalp. Max is so good at crawling now. He is FAST! He has also discovered the steps and can get up them pretty quick. He really likes the steps. Pap-Paw has to watch him really close. Tonight Tabby was working with speech. Paul was able to count from one to five without any help but he seems to get stuck on six most of the time. Tabby started him again at six and he was able to continue on to ten with minimal help. She tried to get him to do the alphabet without much prompting. He starts with A and can do B but gets stuck after that. He can repeat all the letters but he hasn't been able to do the letters in order yet. Tabby also had him do a series of three words at a time and he was able to do that a couple of times. Multiple syllables and multiple word sentences are still hard for him. At one point tonight he started rambling off words and said "I am open ... (something inaudible)". We've never worked on the work "open". He hears it often but we haven't had him try to repeat it. It is interesting sometimes what words he says without any help ... it is evident he knows some words but has a hard time conveying them to us. How frustrating that must be for him! Tabby is enjoying her new job. It is a fun atmosphere for her and she likes her coworkers. It seems she made a good move by taking this new job!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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