Friday, June 01, 2007

Paul's Update - 05/31/07

Dear Friends:

Today was pretty quiet. Paul seemed to be feeling the effects of his dental surgery yesterday. Dad gave him Tylenol several times throughout the day and Carolyn suggested we do some Orajel for the pain which helped a bit. He was also a bit moody. He didn't want to cooperate with Dad. He may also be still fighting a little of the intestinal virus that is going around. He had a little accident this afternoon and Dad needed to give him a shower in the middle of the day. The dentist called this afternoon to see how Paul was doing. He was concerned that Paul may not be ready for more extractions by next Tuesday but he has really done very well and might be OK. He still have four teeth that need to come out but they are not any rush if he isn't feeling good. This dentist is very good and seems genuinely interested in Paul. Tonight Paul came to the dinner table but then after he finished eating he didn't want to go back to the living room. He sat at the dining room table for about 45 minutes after we were done eating. Bobby called this evening and Paul was able to talk on the phone. He hasn't gotten much opportunity to talk on the phone since he came to our house. Bobby said he actually did pretty good and only said "our" a couple times on things he didn't know how to answer. Tonight before bed Dad took Paul to the bathroom. Once he was in the bathroom Paul reached for the grab bar that Dad installed in there. It is right across from the toilet. He grabbed with his right arm but once he was ready to sit he changed hands to his stronger arm and tried to sit on his own. It is amazing when he thinks through a problem and can do something for himself. Paul was ready for bed about 10pm. He was falling asleep in the living room chair. Friday should be another quiet day ... no appointments. We are planning to go out for dinner ... Paul should like that!!

Have a great day! TGIF Lynne & Carl


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