Monday, November 19, 2007

Paul's Update - 11/18/07

Dear Friends:

I cannot believe I have fallen so far behind. The weeks go by so quickly. Wednesday Paul had Occupational Therapy at 9:30am. They started with stretching to loosen him up. She gave him a 25 piece puzzle to work on. He was able to complete one edge of the border. She gave it to Dad to take home and finish. She had him sit on the exercise ball and lay backward across it. She was trying to get him to stretch out his back. She had him stand, facing the mat on the floor, kneel down on his knees and stand back up. He was in front of the exercise table so he could use it to help. Then they did some knee bends (squats) and stand back up. Dad headed to the doctor’s office after. He thought there was an appointment to have Paul’s blood drawn but the office was closed. They came home after that.

Thursday Paul had PT. He used the cane to walk down the hallway to the therapy room. It takes a long time but it is such good exercise. The therapist had him sit on the mat and lay down. She got him to roll over on his stomach. He hates this position ... and refuses to do anything. She asked him if he would rather walk and he said “yes”. They went to the hallway where there is the railing on the wall. He walked backwards holding onto the bar. She quickly realized she couldn’t touch him or he will depend on her to keep him balanced. He walked backwards for about 40 feet. Then he faced the wall and sidestepped back to where he started and then back the 40ft down the hall. Dad told her that he has him practice with the cane at home so she wanted to see that. Dad gave him the cane and told him to step backwards. She realized he was angling the cane in such a way that it was much the same as using the bar. She was impressed that he figured out how to use the cane to manage himself. After they finished with PT, Paul walked back to the car. They headed to the doctor’s office to have his blood drawn. They need to check the Lithium level in his blood. They headed home after and spent the rest of the day at home. We had bible study that evening.

Friday Dad asked Paul if he wanted to go to the gym. Paul said “yes” but when it was time to leave he refused to get up. Dad asked him if he was feeling bad and he said “yes’. He seems to have a cold (stuffy head, runny nose, etc). They decided to spend the day at home. The doctor’s office called to say that Paul’s Lithium level is low ... which is GOOD!! It looks like we won’t be doing any medicine changes for now! We went out to dinner with Bill & Ronda. We went to Logan’s and Paul had the fish. He usually enjoys the fish. We had a lovely evening. It was really cold so we walked pretty quickly to the car. Paul used his walker ... the walkway is on a slant and is hard for Dad to walk him. Paul still has trouble on ground that isn’t level.

Saturday started as usual with Gradis arriving at 7:30am. She does her cleaning once Paul is cleaned up and dressed. We went to El Agave in Warrenton a bit early since Bill had to do a youth activity at the church at 3pm. Paul used the walker again ... he has that mastered!! It makes the walking quicker. Bob & Jen came over for a visit in the evening. Paul enjoys visiting with his brother. They stayed until Paul was ready for bed ... about 10pm.

Sunday morning Paul wasn’t feeling very well. He got up, dressed and we went to breakfast. Max came just before Sunday school time. I left to pick up Joanne and the boys headed off to church. We made it through Sunday School but Paul was feeling bad (Max was too) so they headed back home during the worship time. Dad spent a good part of the day giving out medicines! Paul had nasal spray and Max had Tylenol and Motrin. Max napped a lot since he wasn’t feeling well. He spent a lot of time on Pap-Paw’s lap too! We watched the football game ... another disappointment!! This evening Paul was holding the Nerf Football that Max had been playing with earlier. Dad asked him to throw it about three feet. Paul hesitated but then tossed it to Dad!! Dad had him do that a couple more times. He took the football from his left hand and put it in his right hand ... then threw it! Since his right arm is not the strong arm….he put the football in his left hand after about two throws with the right hand. He took his right hand supported his left arm so he could throw the ball!! It was quite ingenious!! He seemed a bit disappointed but we were thrilled that he was able to do that activity since he really hasn’t done an “overhead” throw before!! We spent the evening watching TV. Paul’s chair is now moved over to the opposite side of the living room and he seems to enjoy the change in scenery! As we prepare for Thanksgiving this week I am reminded how blessed we are. Not only because Paul is doing so well but we have been blessed with family and friends who have supported and prayed for us. Thank you so very much.

Have a great day, Lynne & Carl


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