Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Paul's Update - 09/03/07

Dear Friends:

Sunday morning Dad & Paul were up by about 7am. I was able to sleep in a little. Dad got Paul up and into the shower so he could get ready for church. Aunt Ann started breakfast (eggs, grits & toast ... yummm) and it was almost ready by the time I got up. Ronda & Bill spent the night at Mom's house Saturday night. They came down after a little bit and ate breakfast with us. We got ready for church and headed out around 8:45am. It takes about 30 minutes to get to Ann's Church at the beach. After church we took a ride into the countryside. We stopped in the little town of Mullins South Carolina and had lunch at a bed & breakfast there. The food was served buffet style and was all home made. We really enjoyed it. It was a beautiful day. We stopped at a roadside vegetable stand and got some squash, corn on the cob, peaches and tomatoes. We also got some spicy ginger ale. Paul had his own bottle of it and seemed to enjoy it. Once we got home we just hung around the house. Paul took a little walk to the sun room that is just off Ann's dining room to sit on the futon out there. He seemed to enjoy being able to go in there. Ann has a great screened back porch and we ate a vegetable dinner out there. We sat out there for several hours and visited until it was time for bed. Bill & Ronda headed back to Mom's to spend the night there.

Monday morning Bill & Ronda left from Mom's abut 7am. We had a slow morning. Once we had finished breakfast and got ready we headed out to Columbia SC to visit with the Ellisors (Ann's longtime friends). They planned to have a BBQ with several friends over. Paul was able to walk up onto their deck and into the house. The step going into the house is rounded and Paul had a little trouble managing it but he was able to get in. Once he figured it out he was able to manage OK. You may remember some time back that I was asking for prayer for Gerlinde & Ben. Gerlinde had a bicycle accident while doing missionary work in Africa a couple years ago. Her accident caused similar injuries to Paul's. She and her husband are wonderful Christian folks and Ben is Gerlinde's primary caretaker. They live in Columbia and are good friends of Carol & Steve. I wanted very much to meet them personally and they were at Carol & Steve's for the BBQ. It is amazing how God has worked in all of our lives. We stayed and visited until dinner time. We went out with Steve, Carol their daughter Rebecca & her husband Tim, the grandson Samuel and their son JD. The plan was to go to the favorite Mexican restaurant but it was closed for the holiday. Plan "B" was to head to the Greek Restaurant in town. We had a wonderful dinner and a great time of fellowship. Dad, Paul, Aunt Ann & I are spending the night in a hotel in Columbia and will meet with my nieces Lizzie & Sarah who live here for coffee in the morning. We will head back to Conway sometime during the day. We got one room and Dad will sleep in the bed with Paul while I sleep with Ann. It is the first night that Paul hasn't slept alone since he moved to our home in March!!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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