Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Paul's Update - 08/21/07

Dear Friends:

Well ... last night was interesting having a new dog in the house. Maggie seems very comfortable in our home. She was up during the night (after I accidentally woke her) and she was visiting us in our beds! Dad got up about 3am and took her outside but that seemed to only make her more awake! At about 4am she saw our cat on the deck and began to bark so I closed the venetion blinds on the doors to the deck. That seemed to make her quiet. We finally had to close our bedroom door to make her go somewhere and lay down! This morning Dad asked Paul if she bothered him during the night and Paul said "yes"! Eventually she may be a good companion during the night but right now she just wants to play!! Paul had an appointment with an orthodic specialist this morning. They left for the appointment around 8:30am. I leave about the same time. Maggie stayed in the body of the house during the time that Dad was gone and it appears that she did very well while they were gone. The orthopedic specialist made a cast of Paul's right foot and leg to make a brace with. The specialist said that the exercises Paul is doing at the gym and the pool are really helping and making his muscles strong! We knew that but it is nice when a professional acknowledges it! Dad spoke with Paul's eye doctor this afternoon. He wanted to find out what it would take to remove the floater that Paul has in his right eye. She said that it is a fairly simple procedure whereby they would remove all the fluid in the eye (including the floater) and let the eye regenerate the fluid on its own. But she recommended that we see a specialist that can do a laser removal. This specialist is in Falls Church so it would be local enough for us to consider. It would be nice for Paul to be able to see better. That eye seems to interfere with his vision quite often. This evening Paul watched TV with Dad. When it was time for bed they headed down the hall but he stopped at the office. Dad said he went in ... pushed his walker away from him and reached back to grab the office chair and sit down in front of the computer. He wasn't interested in playing on the computer but he just wanted to sit in there! He sat there for about 10 minutes and then headed to the bathroom and bed. I am including some pictures of Maggie. If you cannot see them you can go to the Snapfish website and see them.

Pictures #1
Pictures #2

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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