Thursday, September 13, 2007

Paul's Update - 09/12/07

Dear Friends:

We've had a busy week. Dora was off on Monday since we originally did not intend to return from our vacation until that day. Dad got up and helped Paul get bathed & dressed. After I was up and had finished breakfast I had decided to spend some of the day cleaning. Dad had some errands to run so he went out and Paul stayed with me. Paul was watching TV but I think he was more interested in watching me clean!! When I was vacuuming Paul had to lift his feet so I didn't run over them!! Before I knew it lunchtime arrived. I made Paul a ham sandwich. Some times I can ask Paul what he wants and give him a choice. He doesn't always answer me but I was persistent and he finally told me he wanted "ham". Once he finished his sandwich I asked him if he wanted a drink. He said "yes" so I asked what he wanted. He said (without prompting!!) Sprite! I was amazed ... it seems to prove that he CAN say some things and DOES know what he wants!! Carolyn came over and I went out with her. She took me to run some errands that I had to get done. Carolyn had to be home by 3:30 when Alysa got home from school. After she dropped me off I went back out to do some grocery shopping. Max came over just before dinner and stayed until about 8pm. He was very glad to see Pap-Paw (the feeling is mutual you know!!). I had a meeting to attend after dinner. Paul & Dad stayed home with Max. Paul went to bed about 11pm. I set up the vaporizer in his room since he has been stuffy.

Tuesday Paul had an appointment with the Orthopedic Specialist to get his new brace. Dora was back and went with Dad & Paul. This brace is a thin plastic that goes from the back of his knee down the leg and into his shoe. Because it goes into the shoe Dad had to go out and buy a new pair of shoes actually ... TWO pairs). The brace requires the right shoe to be a size bigger than his normal shoe. For the first few days he will only wear the brace a couple of hours a day to get use to it. He seems to walk OK with it. Wednesday is therapy day. Dad, Dora & Paul have to be at Fair Oaks Hospital by 9:30am for OT. They did some stretching and throwing a ball. He had some trouble letting go of the ball. She had him stand at the therapy table and roll the ball around the table without holding onto anything. After OT they have to head off to Speech at 10:30am. Paul was slow walking and had to stop at the rest room along the way. They arrived 1/2 hour late. The therapist worked on counting and saying his name. He repeated the alphabet. They tried to do recognizing numbers on a page. Then she drew a square on a paper and a circle on another paper and he had to point out which was which ... and SAY "circle" and "square". By the time they did all that ... his therapy time was over! Dad had to head straight home after therapy. Dad made grilled cheese sandwiches (Paul's favorite!) for lunch. Paul's attorney came to the house at 1pm to talk to Paul. Dad & I are petitioning the court for Guardianship so that we can make decisions for Paul. Since he is living with us ... it makes more sense. We have a court date for Friday to appear in front of the Judge who will make a ruling. The attorney talked to Paul and advised him of his rights in this proceeding. He answered her when she talked to him. She took a look at his bedroom and made notice of the handicap equipment that we have in the house. This is really only a formality for the courts since nobody is disputing the need for Paul to have a guardian! This evening was quiet and I didn't have any meetings!! Yahoo! Dad installed a new faucet in our bathroom while Paul & I watched some TV. Paul seems to feel better. Fortunately he hasn't gotten a cough and he seems to be sneezing less.

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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