Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Paul's Update - 01/08/08

Dear Friends:

Paul continues to do well. Our weeks seem so routine lately. Gradis is still working everyday while Dora is in Ghana. She will finish up this week and Dora will be back next week. It is very different having Gradis all week ... every day! Her husband has been working from 5am until 10pm every night and since Gradis doesn’t drive ... Dad has been picking her up and taking her home at night.

Tuesday last week she was off for the holiday. We stayed home and relaxed on New Year’s Day. It was nice to have a day that was quiet!

Wednesday Dad went to the hospital to pre-register Paul for the therapies that the insurance company has authorized. Since it is the beginning of the year it was very busy with other people signing up for their approved therapies as well! Dad had to wait over an hour to get the registration process started. Paul stayed home with Gradis ... he doesn’t need to be there! Paul had therapy only one day.

Thursday, they went to the hospital at 10:30. The Occupational Therapist is on vacation so he had a substitute. She had him walk from a chair to the workout mat. He worked on throwing a ball back and forth to her. The Physical Therapist was also a substitute since the regular therapist was also on vacation. Paul walked without his cane for her. He was a little tired and had some balance problems but he is getting better.

Friday was a day at home. We went out to dinner with Bill & Ronda once I got home from work. We had Chinese at our favorite restaurant in Centreville. We haven’t been there for a while and it was pretty good.

Saturday we did lunch at El Agave ... another place we haven’t been for a while. Everyone is feeling better so lunch was a good idea! After we got home we were able to relax for the evening. Paul has been pretty tired this week. I’m not sure if he is still fighting a bit of a virus but he has been going to bed around 10pm.

Sunday we went to church. Max came in time for Sunday School. Paul was able to walk up to communion without his cane. This was the first time many people have seen him do that! It is quite an emotional event for all of us that have been watching his improvement over this last two years! Sunday afternoon was a time for football. Max stayed with us for the day. He still has some of his Christmas gifts out and was enjoying them. Funny ... he likes our plastic bells that play music as much as his toys! We watched the Redskins lose their last game of the season. Dad was feeling a bit tired and had an opportunity to take a nap! Paul napped a little too. Max stayed until about 7pm.

Monday we took a trip to Richmond. This was the last visit for the VCU study that we were involved in. It takes us all day to go down and come back. On the way home we got lunch at a BBQ place in Ashland Virginia. We also stopped at Aunt Shirley and Uncle Wally’s house on the way back to visit since we hadn’t seen them since before Christmas. After we got home Dad took his motorcycle out for a little ride. The temperature was in the 70’s all day and promised to be the same on Tuesday. What a great opportunity for Dad to get out of the house and do something he loves.

Gradis stayed with Paul on Tuesday while Dad went out. He came by my office and we went out to lunch together ... something we haven’t been able to do for a long time!! Gradis told us that she is planning to go to Ghana after Dora comes home. Her mother is not well and she is worried that she may not live much longer. Please keep her in your prayers. Paul sat in the chair on the opposite side of the room this evening. He was looking all around the room ... it must have looked like a different room to him! He usually sits in the same chair and this was a different perspective of the room! He was tired tonight and went to bed about 10pm.

Have a great day, Lynne & Carl


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