Sunday, January 28, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/27/07

Dear Friends:

Thursday was a light day. Paul did his normal walking but not much else. Friday he did his exercises. Dad said he seems to work out about every other day. He did some standing but he really didn't want to do that. He sat at the edge of the bed for about 40 minutes and he finally stood a couple of times. He did some stomach crunches and leg lifts. Dad said he has been trying to get Paul to say his name. He asks him frequently during the day to say "Paul". He can repeat it when Dad says it but then Dad asks him "what is your name?" and Paul cannot say his name. He doesn't seem to be able to remember anything from one minute to the next. He can repeat almost anything you say (one word at a time usually) but he usually cannot repeat it without copying you. Friday evening Tabby worked with Paul to identify parts of his face. He could point to his nose, mouth, forehead, ears, eyes by copying Tabby but he didn't do as well by asking him to point to those parts on his own. He got some right but not many. Saturday Dad slept in a bit. Max slept in a bit too. Tabby went out to do some grocery shopping in the morning so she could be home in time for us to go to lunch with Bill & Ronda. Paul wasn't interested in doing exercises. Dad tried to get him to work out and he started to do it but when Dad went to help him get up he suddenly decided he didn't want to do it. Tabby asked him today how he was feeling and he said "I feel nice". This is a new word for him!! Later Dad asked Paul "do you know my name?" and Paul said "Jane". I'm not sure where that came from ... another word we haven't worked with him on. Tonight we went out for dinner to celebrate Dad's birthday. We went to the Chinese restaurant in Centreville. All of the kids came ... we had twelve for dinner. While we were waiting for our dinner to come Paul looked over at Tabby and said "I love you". What a great moment! We've also noticed that Paul's words have become more clear. He was able to say "happy birthday" and "Cruise" (the name for his stuffed Rotweiler puppy that he got when he was in the hospital). Names have been difficult so this is an accomplishment! He is getting better at pronouncing his letter sounds. We are certainly hopeful that he will continue to get better since he makes small improvements each day!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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