Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Paul's Update - 06/04/07

Dear Friends:

Sunday morning started out with breakfast at Yorkshire Restaurant. Carolyn & Alysa joined us making nine of us. We had to use two tables since the only table they had for that many people was not accessible to Paul. After breakfast Dad headed out to pick up Max for church. I went to pick up Joanne from the nursing home (I pick her up every Sunday). After I dropped her off at the church Dad took the car and went back to the house to pick up Paul & Gradis. Our Sunday School class meets in the Sanctuary which makes it accessible for Paul and one other member of our class who is also in a wheelchair. After church we came home and had lunch and spent a quiet Sunday afternoon at home. It was a rainy day. Max took a good nap after lunch (it was a good day for naps!!!). Dinner was leftovers so we didn't have to cook. Dad took Max home after dinner around 6pm. Paul continues to be mostly quiet and somewhat uncooperative. Gradis can usually get him to play a little "catch" with a ball or a small toy. He responds to her well ... she doesn't give up either!! Bobby called in the afternoon to say that he and Jen have a tentative wedding date for April 5, 2008. There are still lots of plans to be made and the date could change ... but they are working on it!! Lots will depend on the church & reception locations and availability. Monday started EARLY ... we had the carpets cleaned at 7am. Paul was awake but stayed in the bed while the workers were here. It only took an hour to do the carpet and Paul stayed in his room watching videos. Dad called the neurologist to see about getting some antidepressants for Paul. Since he has been so moody lately we decided it couldn't hurt. The doctor is naturally concerned about triggering seizures but is willing to give him a mild antidepressant that Dad will pick up on Tuesday at the pharmacy. Paul had a dental appointment at 10:30am. The dentist pulled four teeth today. This is the last of the extractions. He also did some prep work on a tooth that he wants to try to save by capping. Normally a periodontist would do this work but our dentist is trying hard to save us a little money and only charged the amount of an extraction to do this work that would usually cost about $1,200. What a blessing this dentist has been!! The dentist got to experience what Paul does when he feels pain. While he was struggling to get one of the teeth out Paul suddenly turned his head away from the dentist. The dentist asked Paul "does that hurt?" and Paul shook his head "yes". The dentist gave him a little more Novocain and he did real good after that. Once Paul got home he still had gauze in his mouth for about 45 minutes. He did good with it ... and it DIDN'T disappear this time!! LOL After about an hour Dad was able to give him some Tylenol to help with the discomfort. He was pretty quiet all day and napped a bit. Dinner was soup but he later was able to eat a hotdog (no bun) and some applesauce. He tired out by about 9pm and headed off to bed by 9:30pm. We don't have a new baby yet ... but there are some contractions going on ... it will probably be soon!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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