Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Paul's Update - 07/31/07

Dear Friends:

Today was pool day. Dad took Paul to the gym about 10am. The water was extremely cold and Paul was not happy while they were lowering him into the water. It was actually taking his breath away as they lowered him. Once he was in the water Dad walked him around the pool a while before he finally relaxed his arms. He kicked his feet while Dad pulled him backwards. Then Dad got him to do the backstroke a bit ... Dad moved his arms but Paul didn't fight it. Dad also let Paul push himself backwards the length of the pool. Once he got to the wall he just stood there and wouldn't go any farther so Dad had him exercise his legs while standing at the edge of the pool. He did that for a couple minutes but then decided he wasn't interested in doing that anymore. When they were done at the pool Dad took Paul back home. I took off early so that I could stay with Dora & Paul for the afternoon. Dad's mother (who is almost 93 years old) has been failing a lot over the last week and he wanted to go to visit her. He left about 12:40pm. I fixed Paul lunch and we spent the afternoon watching TV. I spent a little time straightening up my office while Paul was watching Star Trek ... I don't really care to watch that! Since Paul has gotten so strong it is easier for Dora and me to get Paul up so that he can go to the bathroom. I don't help him once he is in the bathroom ... I want to preserve his dignity so I let Dora work with him and I just get supplies as needed and assist in the walk to and from the bathroom. He is also getting better at sitting down ... instead of "flopping" in his chair he has better control and balance! Dad picked up Tacos on his way home and Paul seemed to really enjoy that. After dinner Ronda & Bill came over with dessert and we had coffee. Paul enjoyed Ronda's cake!! He was picking it up with his hands and taking big bites! Paul was pretty quiet most of the day. He has been pretty quiet lately. I guess since he is doing so well physically we really cannot complain that he doesn't talk to us! I pray that one day he will suddenly begin to figure out how to communicate with us better ... he is doing so well with walking and exercise ... maybe the same improvement will happen with speech some day!! Wednesday will be Occupational & Speech therapy. We are now doing one day a week for OT but thankfully we will continue to have Speech twice a week.

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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