Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/30/07

Dear Friends:

Monday Paul did some exercises. He did some stomach crunches and leg lifts but he wasn't interested in doing arm exercises. He wasn't crazy about stomach crunches either but he did them. Tabby worked with him to say words. He is doing so much better with pronunciation and especially with names. He still doesn't remember what he just said to be able to repeat it but that will come! Tuesday - Dad said Paul wasn't feeling good. Nothing that he could narrow down ... he just didn't feel good. He had some trouble walking too. Tabby worked on getting Paul to respond to her question "how are you?". Sometimes he responds with "good" or "OK" but he had trouble trying to say anything besides "ou". She started him out doing the song "Do Re Me" and he repeated "do re" on his own but got stuck after that. Then she tried to do smaller parts of the song and he was able to get some of the parts before she even got to them!! Once she got him started he was able to say several things (mostly repeating them) and even said a couple of things randomly. After they had worked for a bit Tabby asked him if he was happy. He nodded yes so she said "what do we do when we are happy?" and she showed him a smile. He smiled back at her ... which is something we always enjoy since he has such a nice smile. Later Tabby's cell phone went off to remind her that it was time for medicines. It plays a song and she held it up to him and said "now THAT is music" and he looked at her and SMILED! He doesn't often smile randomly so this was a special moment. She also tried to get him to pucker and do a "smooch" sound. When he kissed her forehead he made the sound but he couldn't do it without actually kissing. That's OK ... kissing is GOOD! He also gave her a big hug....he really does that well. All she has to do is ask him if she can have a hug and he opens his arms for her to snuggle. Dad said that Max is getting another tooth ... total = 5 now!! He is a very busy child and loves crawling all over the place. He tuckered out early tonight ... hopefully he will sleep all night! By 9:30 Paul was tired and ready for bed. Once he has meds it doesn't take long for him to fall asleep. The end of another day ... even though he didn't feel great he had a pretty good day!

Blessings, Lynne & Carl


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