Sunday, February 18, 2007

Paul's Update - 02/17/07

Dear Friends:

Thursday was a more normal day. There continued to be lots of ice in our driveways but Dad was able to get out from Paul's and attempt to get some ice melt or salt. Since Dora was able to come Dad was able to get out. He wasn't successful at getting the salt but he and Max got a nice outing. Paul was feeling pretty good. Each day he seems to be saying more words. He hasn't done much exercise lately but he is doing well with his speech therapy. As nice as it would be to have a professional speech therapist ... Tabby is so good with him. Paul was able to go upstairs for some time during the day on Thursday. Dad was able to come home after spending two nights at Paul's house. He was glad to be back in his own bed!! Friday during the day Dad came into Paul's room after feeding Max to find that Paul had removed his wedding ring and replaced it onto his index finger! He has been wearing his wedding ring since very soon after the accident and he has never really paid any attention to it. It was causing his finger to be red and swollen so Dad needed to get it off. He put some lotion on it and tried to pull it off. Paul was fighting Dad which made it quite a struggle. Dad finally got it off and put it back on his ring finger but Paul took it back off and handed it to Dad. Dad asked him "do you want to leave it off for a while?" and Paul nodded "yes". So Dad said "we'll put it back on later" and Paul nodded "yes" again. When Tabby found out she asked him why he did that. It took some work but she finally got him to say "because ... I love you". I'm not sure if that is really why he did that but he knows to tell her "I love you" and it is nice to hear! Today was a busy day for Tabby. She headed out early for coffee with a friend and then to Carolyn's house to finish the work in Billy & Carolyn's bedroom. The painting is done and now they are ready to decorate ... curtains, pictures & a new bedspread. They will finish up on Sunday. Paul has been very vocal the last few days and is saying lots of things voluntarily. Friday he said "I dam", "I num" and "I ache". He repeated his name after Dad ... and was able to say his name a couple minutes later. It appears his memory is getting a little longer. Dad asked him "what is my name?" and Paul said "Jay"! At least he came up with a name!! Today I asked him "How are you?" and he said "I ... take". I wasn't able to get him to say more ... that's ok ... he at least answered me! Dad & I went out this evening to the Sweetheart Dinner at the church. When we got back we visited for a bit until time to get Paul ready for bed. When I was ready to leave Paul gave me a kiss and I told him "bye" ... he responded "bye". I said "I'll see you tomorrow" and he said "alright"!! It is amazing when he can say things that seem right on target ... it doesn't happen much ... but IS happening more! Tabby rearranged their bedroom one day this past week. Now Paul has to get out of bed on the opposite side. That means that he has to use his right side more. He does amazingly good getting in and out of the bed!! Just think ... a couple months ago he didn't use his right side (especially that hand) AT ALL!! When we get down ... I like to remember that he has really come a long way!! God IS answering our prayers!!

Have a blessed day! Lynne & Carl


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