Thursday, February 08, 2007

Paul's Update - 02/07/07

Dear Friends:

Dad headed over to Paul's early this morning. It snowed about an inch of powdery snow during the night but the roads weren't bad. Dad was able to get Paul up and out of bed today. This morning he wanted to go upstairs so Dad helped him get to the chair lift and they went upstairs. Paul had lunch and stayed up there until about 3pm. They watched TV most of the day. He was talking a bit with Tabby this morning. She practices a lot with him. He still doesn't seem to know who we are or who the people around us are and he has a lot of trouble with names. When Paul was upstairs this morning Dad asked him if he remembered putting together the Lego motorcycles that are on the bookcase. He nodded "yes". Then Dad asked "did it take you a long time?" and he nodded a definite "yes". It seems obvious that he remembers some things but we aren't sure exactly WHAT he remembers. He appears to be certain of some things based on his facial expressions or body language. It sure will be nice when he can confirm things with verbal communication. Dad is preparing to take a trip to Florida on Thursday evening. He is already concerned about how much he will miss Paul & Max over the next few days. Ronda, Jessie & I will be filling in for Dad on Friday and Monday while he is gone. It takes three of us to accomplish what Dad does each day (sigh!). Actually the nurse will handle most of Paul's needs but we will be helping out with Max ... oh the tragedy ... having to play with ... uh I mean take care of the baby!!! LOL

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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