Monday, February 05, 2007

Paul's Update - 02/04/07

Dear Friends:

Sunday was a pretty good day for all. Dad went to Paul's late this morning (after breakfast). He picked up Max and brought him to church with him. Max really enjoys playing in the nursery with the other children and Alysa is a protective cousin. She likes being wherever Max is! After service we had a "souper bowl" luncheon at the church. This really has nothing to do with football ... except it falls on the same day ... it is really a Soup Luncheon! Max and Pap-Paw stayed and ate lunch before heading home. While they were gone this morning Tabby reports that Paul said "I ... bathroom" very clearly. So she and Gladys (the nurse) walked him to the bathroom. This is something she doesn't do much because if he has trouble walking it is hard for her to control him but she said that he walked really good and she didn't have any problem!! The afternoon was spent watching TV and relaxing. Bobby and Jen were getting ready for the Super Bowl Game! Paul was able to come upstairs and watch the game with all of us. Carolyn & Tabby came late since they were painting Carolyn & Billy's new bedroom. Billy had to work until 5pm but came to Paul's when he got off. We were all able to watch the game in the living room! Tabby sat on the couch next to Paul. At one point she whispered in Paul's ear "Do you love me?" and he clearly and without hesitation said "yes"!! I think he is beginning to put his words together a bit more each day. It is really a miracle in the making after all these months! Tonight Tabby was kissing Paul and she would kiss him repeatedly for about 4 or 5 times ... he finally got smart and just puckered and stayed that way ... then when she stopped kissing him he sat back and had the nicest smile on his face. I think he was being clever ... and I think he thought so too!! LOL Smiling is so nice because we don't often get random smiles ... he will smile if you tell him to but he doesn't usually smile spontaneously. This was one of the best days he has had in almost a week. He complained of his teeth bothering him most of the day but Motrin helped that and he felt pretty good otherwise. Getting out of the bedroom and being with the family was really good for him!!

Have a great Monday! Lynne & Carl


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