Sunday, February 25, 2007

Paul's Update - 02/23/07

Dear Friends:

Paul was feeling much better today. Paul sat at the edge of the bed for a while. He seemed feel more like talking to Dad and repeated some words for him. Tabby talked to her attorney this morning. He is still working to get the health insurance company to settle for less than they said they want out of her payment from the girl who hit Paul's insurance. It would be so nice for her to finally get a settlement out of all this. Dad has been reading a book about brain injury patients. The doctor who writes the book talks about how the patient's inability to do things is not due to the physical injury ... it is due to the brain injury ... that is to say ... just because he cannot use his arm does not mean there is something wrong with the arm. You cannot make it well by treating the arm ... you must treat the brain ... WHERE THE INJURY IS! Also ... just because Paul cannot answer us ... it doesn't mean he doesn't understand us. Just because he says things we don't understand ... doesn't mean he doesn't understand what he is trying to say. Dad has been asking Paul while in the bathroom (pointing to the tub) do you know what that is? Paul answers "no". Today Dad said "I don't mean can you TELL me what it is ... I mean do you KNOW what it is?" to which Paul nodded "yes". A pretty good example of knowing but not being able to tell us! This evening when I came in I asked Paul how he was doing. He said "I ... medicine". I asked him if his head hurt and he nodded "yes" so I gave him some Ibuprofen. It is evident that he understands us! Tabby was working with him a little later. He seemed to feel better and was willing to work with speech a bit. They worked on counting and trying to say some small sentences. Tabby asked him how he was and he said "I ... love ... you". Not what we were expecting but something we always enjoy hearing! Tabby picked up the cat "Munchkin" and asked Paul if he wanted to pet him. Paul nodded "yes" and reached up to gently pet him. Paul has been much more gentle lately ... even with Max who loves crawling all over Daddy! He also enjoys hugging Tabby ... he smiles when he hugs her!!! He doesn't randomly smile much so it is nice to see! I've said it before ... but it is worth repeating ... Their love for each other is the best medicine Paul gets!!

Have a great weekend! Lynne & Carl


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