Monday, February 26, 2007

Paul's Update - 02/25/07

Dear Friends:

Paul had a pretty good weekend. Saturday morning Dad showed Paul three different objects that were each taller than the other. He asked Paul which was the tallest and Paul pointed to the right one!! Then he asked him to point to the shortest ... and Paul pointed to the shortest one ... he got it right again!! Dad was very pleased ... maybe we can work on this more!! He seems to know an awful lot that we just have to ask the right questions to get answers on! Saturday started out a bit slow but the plan was to go out to breakfast at 9am. This is pretty early for Bobby, Jen & Tabby but we managed to be on our way around 9:30am. We went to Bob Evans. There were 9 (including Max) for breakfast so we had to wait a bit for a table. Paul enjoyed his breakfast and ate most of the crepes he had by himself. They are really good if you've never tried them! Max commanded the attention of the elder couple at the table next to us ... their "grandparent" side was showing. LOL After breakfast Tabby, Jen & I went to the Galaxy Furniture store that was going out of business but we didn't find anything interesting (at least nothing we couldn't live without!). Once we got home Tabby prepared to head out to West Virginia to visit her parents. It was William's birthday and they had a big day planned. Paul had a quiet afternoon. He wasn't much interested in talking although he seemed like there was something he wanted to tell me several times. When I would ask him what he wanted to say, he would just shrug his shoulders or shake his head "no". We were able to get him to say a few things but nothing really new. Dad stayed at Paul's house on Saturday night since the weather forecast was for snow and ice. Sunday morning there was snow coming down and as the morning progressed it got steadily worse. In all we had about 2 inches of heavy wet snow and then we got some freezing rain in the afternoon. Bobby, Jen, Tabby & Lawrence had a hockey game to go to. They had box seats compliments of the Nextel representative that Bobby works with at the cab company. They left around 10am. That left Dad & Gladys to manage Paul & Max. It was a pretty quiet day. This afternoon Gladys got a wonderful blessing. She was watching TV with Paul and he looked over at her and said "Gladys"!! She was so surprised ... she asked him if he needed something and he nodded "yes". So she asked him if he needed to go to the bathroom ... he nodded "yes". She went and got Dad and she was so excited that he said her name!!! They couldn't get him to do it again ... but it was so wonderful that he thought about it and said it even once!! It is really apparent that Paul is making some connections. Thanks for your continued prayers! It continues to give us strength!!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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