Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Paul's Update - 06/12/07

Dear Friends:

Dad, Aunt Ann & I got up early this morning. Ann was planning to head out to Cathy's house to pick up my mother and Sarah so they could head back to South Carolina. We were able to sit out on the deck for a while before Dora arrived and have our coffee. Paul was still in bed until after Dora came. Ann left about 7:30 and so our day began. Paul came out to the living room once he was dressed so he could have his breakfast. I leave for work about 8:30am so I was able to visit with him a little. Tuesday is physical therapy day. Dad, Dora & Paul headed to the hospital at 10:30. Paul worked hard for Cathy. He was able to work on the board that has the nuts & bolts. He removed the nut from a plate that was just above waist height, then one that was a little higher and finally one that was over his head. He really does well with this exercise. He knows exactly how to unscrew the nuts and he even used his right hand (which is still weaker than the left) to do the one that was over his head!! Cathy held his arm a little but he did all the work. He was even able to catch one of the nuts when it began to fall. He also worked on a regular exercise cycle. Dad & Cathy helped him up to it but then he was able to maneuver his leg across the bike to sit. He held onto the handle bars and peddled. Dad and Cathy had to steady him a bit so he wouldn't fall to either side. After therapy Dad, Dora & Paul went down the hall to where Carolyn's room was. They were able to visit with her and see Chris. He had just gotten back from the nursery. It was time for him to eat but Dad got to hold him first!! When they got home Dad asked Paul if he needed to go to the bathroom but he said "no". He headed down the hallway toward the bathroom but then went to his bedroom instead. Dad asked him if he wanted to lay down for a bit. He said "yes" so Dad got him in the bed and he rested there for a while. Dad wasn't feeling good today either. He seems to be coming down with a cold so he took a nap too. Brooke (Speech Therapist) came at 4pm. Paul still isn't talking much and she had a difficult time working with him. She only stayed for 1/2 hour. Ronda & Bill came for dinner this evening. We grilled steaks. The deck was wet from a storm that had blown through about 6:30pm but we were still able to be out there for a bit. We ate our dinner at the dining room table and Paul sat with us. It was nice. Once we finished eating Paul wanted to drink his coffee sitting at the table. He sat there for about 40 minutes. It was pretty late by the time Bill & Ronda left and Paul was almost ready to go to bed. Dad took him to the bathroom as he always does just before bed. When they got into the bathroom Paul positioned his walker to the side of him. Usually he grabs the bar on the wall that Dad installed to steady himself. When Dad said "grab the bar" he shook his head "no". He was standing without holding onto anything. Dad has to help him with his pants and Paul stood straight while Dad helped him. He seems to really want to do some things without aids!! He has been taking the new medicines for almost a week and Dad seems to think Paul appears to be more steady in his walking and standing. Maybe there are positive effects from this new medicine already!! The physical therapist told Dad that it will probably be about a month for us to really know if there is a difference in Paul from the medicines but it would be nice to think they are helping already!!

Have a great day, Lynne & Carl


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