Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Paul's Update - 04/18/06

Dear Friends:

Today was Paul's appointment with the neurologist. He told Dad that he doesn't believe that the motion sickness medicine will help with headaches and dizziness. Since Paul is going to the ophthalmologist on Friday he wants to see a report on the doctors findings before he tries to treat with any more medicines except Tylenol or Advil. After the doctor appointment Dad, Tabby & Paul went to the DMV to take care of registering the new van into Tabby's name. They were able to get a handicap tag that Tabby can hang on the mirror of the vehicle Paul is riding in that will enable them to park in the Handicap parking spaces wherever they go. Tabby decided after that it would be a good day to go to Paul's work and visit his coworkers. Everyone enjoyed seeing him and he seemed to enjoy the visit. They also made a stop at Burger King and got shakes. Paul really enjoyed that. He wouldn't even stop sucking on the straw to tell Tabby that he liked it ... he just said "uh huh". Paul took his meds by swallowing them whole today. Tabby has to remind him not to chew but he does well with it. Dad finally got a call from the speech therapist today. She said she could come Wednesday or Friday but Dad told her this week is not good since we have doctor appointments and surgery this week. It figures she would call during one of the busiest weeks. She will plan to come either Monday or Tuesday next week. Wednesday is surgery ... Paul has to be at the hospital at 8am and the surgery is scheduled for 11:30am. Another long day for Paul. This should be the last surgery he will have. Please pray that all will go well, the doctor will be able to get all the pins and screws in his foot and that he will heal quickly! Have a great day.

Love, Lynne & Carl

Monday, April 17, 2006

Paul's Update - 04/17/06

Dear Friends:

Paul had a pretty good day. He had a doctor appointment at 1pm. The transport came at 11:45am and they didn't get home until 2:30pm. A lot of the time was waiting for the transport to come back! The doctor said she is going to discontinue the Parkinson's drug and the muscle relaxers. Which we are very OK with. She said these drugs have too many side effects and he isn't getting that much improvement from them which makes them not worth taking. She added Prozac to his current meds. He will continue to take the Provigal and the other medicine that is suppose to stimulate his brain. These meds should help him wake up and concentrate better. We will watch for changes, the doctor said the Prozac can't hurt even if it doesn't help but if it helps he will take it for the rest of his life. She said working with him is like working with a child ... he got really mad!! Tabby called Dr. Azzam (Paul's neurosurgeon) today to get a referral for a neurologist in Manassas. He now has an appointment for him on May 2. It seems that Tabby is having trouble scheduling a time for the orthopedist to take out the plate in Paul's foot. It looks like she is just going to have to schedule an appointment just to get him to set a date for that surgery. Bobby got Paul to work with the remote on the bed again today. He really seems to enjoy that. Dad also got him to use a pen and write some letters. He wasn't interested in it at first but Dad told Paul about the time he broke his arm and had to learn to write with his opposite hand. Dad helped him write a few names (Paul, Tabby, Maxwell, Bobby) After that he seemed more interested in writing and he made a "P" and a "B" by himself that were recognizable. He made a couple of letters that looked like L, I, & U. There were several other things that were not recognizable. A friend from church came by today. She is a Recreational Therapist and said she would work on some picture cards for Paul to us for communications like "yes", "no", "maybe", "stop" "I want to get up" & "I want to lay down". This might make it easier for Paul to communicate what his needs are! This evening Dad & Tabby were watching TV while Paul was in the bed. He reached up and rubbed his eye like he was going to cry. Tabby asked him if he wanted to get out of bed and sit with them. He nodded "yes" so they put him in a camp chair in the bedroom and he watched with them. When it was time to go back to the bed Dad asked him if he was ready and he shook his head "no", Dad had to promise to get him back up after they got him changed and put him back in the chair before he would consent to being moved!! They got him back up and he sat in the camp chair again until time for the last feeding and meds for today. He most certainly seems to understand everything that is going on around him and he knows what he wants and doesn't want!! It seems like Paul makes improvements each day. He stays alert most of the days now. Praise God!! Thanks for your continued prayers ... God is restoring him to us ... slowly but surely!!

Have a great day, Lynne & Carl

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Paul's Update - 04/16/06

Dear Friends:

What a glorious Easter. I'm so thankful that our family could be together. Carl headed over to Paul's house at 5:30am. The cab was suppose to show up at 5:45am. Our Sonrise service started at 6:15am. The CNA came early today so she could go to church with us. Paul did real well during the drive to church. He appeared to enjoy being outside to see the sun rise during the service. He was participating during the service according to Carolyn. He was bowing his head and closing his eyes when the pastor prayed and opened his eyes and looked up when she was done!! He was a little sleepy this morning but he hadn't had his Provigel (the med that wakes him up and makes him alert). He was able to stay through breakfast at the church before heading back home. After the 11:00am service Dad & I headed over to his house. Paul was pretty alert by that time. He was in the bed but when Dad asked him "do you want to get up for a bit?" he nodded his head. Dad had him balance on the bed for a couple minutes before he got him out of the bed. He got him onto his feet and let him stand for a little to get some practice balancing on his feet. After a minute or so Dad asked "do you want to sit down?" and he shook his head "no". Dad held him up to stand for a few minutes. He does pretty good. He still requires someone to hold him but he stands on his legs and bears his own weight!! Once he was in the wheelchair Dad put the TV on and they watched for about 45 minutes before Dad & I left to go home. Bobby & Tabby were both home today so Dad & I were able to spend a day at home!! Bobby called this evening to tell us that Paul was playing with the remote for the bed. He was raising his head & feet and raising the bed up & down. He seemed to be adjusting it to his comfort! Also Tabby said she saw Paul lick his lips today. Bobby said he was very alert again today! It appears that he is making lots of progress each day (in small steps of course!!). That's OK ... we praise God for every improvement ... big or small!! Monday Paul goes to see his regular family doctor. This doctor hasn't seen Paul since the accident but will be his general practitioner from now on. A transport will come to take him and bring him back. This appointment is in Manassas so he won't have a long trip! Thank goodness!

Have a great day!! Carl & Lynne

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Paul's Update - 04/15/06

Dear Friends:

What a blessing today was. Our family & a few friends spent most of the day together. It was a beautiful day which allowed us to be outside a lot. We had a weekend CNA today. Dora gets the weekend off. She arrived around 7am. Bobby & Tabby did the meds this morning so Dad got to sleep in late and get some things done at home. It was actually a nice break in the routine that we've had. Paul was very alert all day. It seems that having lots of activity is really good for him. He pays attention to all the people around. Alysa's birthday was last week and so we had ice cream cake & a small birthday party. Tabby gave Paul a little taste of the ice cream cake. He seemed to really enjoy that! He chewed & SWALLOWED it. She gave him several bites. Tabby's parents were also there today. They brought foods for an Easter Dinner. It was great and we enjoyed having a meal together. Dad got brave and gave Paul a little bite of mashed potatoes. He loved it!! So Dad proceeded to give him more along with some sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and two kinds of cobbler. He didn't really eat a lot of food but he really enjoyed all of what he got. It was amazing to watch him chew and swallow ... and want more!! I'm sure any good speech therapist wouldn't approve of this but since we don't have a speech therapist currently ... we are "winging it" and as long as he does well with it ... why not give him some things he can enjoy? Tabby also worked a little more with some sign language. He does pretty good with hand movements but doesn't really do the sign language quite yet. Dad decided to try getting Paul to use a pen & paper to see if he could draw something. With some assistance he traced his hand and did a little scribbling. We had an occupational therapist come today. He worked to stretch Paul's arms, shoulders & legs. He also got him up to work on some balance. Paul took a couple of steps but he was tired (he'd been outside for over an hour at that point). Sunday will be a special time for our family to worship together at the Sonrise service. Bobby worked hard to get a cab that could bring Paul ... nobody wants to be out that early on a Sunday! We have much to be thankful & praise God for this year. I hope you have a Blessed Easter!

Love & Hugs, Carl and Lynne

Friday, April 14, 2006

Paul's Update - 04/14/06

Dear Friends:

Today was a real good day, Dora (the CNA) gets Paul bathed & dressed before Dad comes. Then Dad fed Paul & gave him his meds. Tabby had gotten an abdominal binder to strap around Paul's stomach so he cannot reach his feeding tube. This seems to help keep him from pulling the tube. After a while Dad got him up & had him sit on the edge of the bed for 6 minutes (this helps him strengthen his abdominal muscles and learn balance). He held himself really good ... the longest time since accident without help. Every time Dad asked him questions today he answered. At first is was only to "no" questions but after a while he was also doing the "yes" answers. After they worked on balance Dad put him in the wheelchair to watch TV for a while. When Dad put him down for a rest (since he isn't suppose to be up long) he had two pillows under his head. Dad took one and asked "is that more comfortable?". He answered "no" so Dad asked "do you want other back?" and he answered "yes"! Later Dad went to get him up, he asked if Paul wanted to sit on edge of bed he shook his head said "no". Dad decided to stand him up for a while to get balance. Rocking back & forth on his legs ... he did really good. He is getting stronger and now is more able to help when Dad stands him up. He stood for a few minutes before he was ready to sit. He seemed very alert today!! Dad put on the movie Caddyshack this after noon. He likes watching TV. He sits right in front of the TV in his wheelchair. It was too windy today and there was a threat of rain so he didn't get to go outside. Saturday we will have Easter Dinner with Tabby & her parents. We are also having a family birthday party for Alysa (our granddaughter) since her birthday was last week. Have a happy & blessed Easter.

Love, Lynne & Carl

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Paul's Update - 04/11/06

Dear Friends:

Monday went OK for the most part. The CNA comes around 7am. Dad got there in time for the first feeding. He didn't realize that Tabby had already put the Provigel into a cup (the med that makes him more alert ... it is also used for patients with Sleep Apnea . He thought it had a little residual from the earlier med time. So Paul actually got a double dose. They called the doctor and were told that it shouldn't hurt him but to keep an eye on him. Dad took Paul outside for a couple hours. He seems to really enjoy that. The CNA is right by his side at all times ... even when Dad takes him outside!! Later in the evening Tabby was talking with him and trying to get him to do the sign language for "OK". He has been doing the Vulcan hand sign (for you trekies, "live long & prosper"). Tabby asked him to the sign language for "I love you" and he actually did it!! He was very alert all day. It seems that the Provigel actually kept him more alert!! Bobby said he saw Paul playing with the feeding tube and he asked Paul if he was hungry. Then he said "can you untie it?" and he proceeded to work it in his hand and untie it. This is not necessarily a good thing but it shows a lot of problem solving ability.

Today we saw the nurse that is assigned to Paul. He was impressed at how good Paul looked. He is going to contact Brain Injury Services to find out how they are coming on Paul's application with them and if there is a case worker assigned yet. A physical therapist came today to evaluate him and said she will return on Thursday to start therapy. She was impressed with what Paul can do. The occupational therapist came also and he worked with Paul a little to see what he can do. He will consult with the PT to see how they want to organize their therapy times. Speech therapist hasn't come yet. According to the therapists, they will work with Paul as long as he improves (just like Mt. Vernon ... weekly evaluations) but when he stops making progress (in their opinion) they will stop working with him. This may prove to be a frustrating for us at some time!! Tony & Mike came and worked a little more on the sidewalk and patio in front of the house. Tomorrow they will have concrete coming. Paul went outside this afternoon for about 3 hours. Paul had a pretty good day all day. The down side is that he won't leave the feeding tube alone. The concern is that he may pull it out. He likes having things to manipulate in his hand so we try to give him things to play with. When I got there this evening I was only allowed to stay for about 45 minutes since I had choir at church to practice for the Good Friday program. When I was preparing to leave I said bye to Paul and he moved his mouth (no sound) and said "bye". We are all trying to adjust to this new situation with Paul. The most difficult thing is that Paul doesn't sleep all night and he is keeping Tabby up at night. Please pray for Paul to sleep better so that Tabby can sleep better. She is being exhausted from trying to work, care for Paul, get things done at home and THEN take care of Paul during the night! It may be that we will have to consider having a CNA during the night. Pray that we will have much wisdom about how to handle this situation. God has provided for many more difficult things than this and I know He can provide an answer for us.

In Christ, Lynne & Carl