Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/30/07

Dear Friends:

Monday Paul did some exercises. He did some stomach crunches and leg lifts but he wasn't interested in doing arm exercises. He wasn't crazy about stomach crunches either but he did them. Tabby worked with him to say words. He is doing so much better with pronunciation and especially with names. He still doesn't remember what he just said to be able to repeat it but that will come! Tuesday - Dad said Paul wasn't feeling good. Nothing that he could narrow down ... he just didn't feel good. He had some trouble walking too. Tabby worked on getting Paul to respond to her question "how are you?". Sometimes he responds with "good" or "OK" but he had trouble trying to say anything besides "ou". She started him out doing the song "Do Re Me" and he repeated "do re" on his own but got stuck after that. Then she tried to do smaller parts of the song and he was able to get some of the parts before she even got to them!! Once she got him started he was able to say several things (mostly repeating them) and even said a couple of things randomly. After they had worked for a bit Tabby asked him if he was happy. He nodded yes so she said "what do we do when we are happy?" and she showed him a smile. He smiled back at her ... which is something we always enjoy since he has such a nice smile. Later Tabby's cell phone went off to remind her that it was time for medicines. It plays a song and she held it up to him and said "now THAT is music" and he looked at her and SMILED! He doesn't often smile randomly so this was a special moment. She also tried to get him to pucker and do a "smooch" sound. When he kissed her forehead he made the sound but he couldn't do it without actually kissing. That's OK ... kissing is GOOD! He also gave her a big hug....he really does that well. All she has to do is ask him if she can have a hug and he opens his arms for her to snuggle. Dad said that Max is getting another tooth ... total = 5 now!! He is a very busy child and loves crawling all over the place. He tuckered out early tonight ... hopefully he will sleep all night! By 9:30 Paul was tired and ready for bed. Once he has meds it doesn't take long for him to fall asleep. The end of another day ... even though he didn't feel great he had a pretty good day!

Blessings, Lynne & Carl

Monday, January 29, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/28/07

Dear Friends:

Dad slept in again today. We went to breakfast with Bill & Ronda then Dad went to Paul's. He got Max ready and took him to church. He did really good this week and played with the children in the nursery. After church Dad headed back to Paul's and I took Alysa (our granddaughter) home with me after we took a trip to McDonalds to get lunch. Paul had been doing some exercises this morning. He was exercising his arms by doing a "punching" action ... kind of like Tae-Bo. It encourages him to reach out as far as his arms will let him. He still has a lot of stiffness in the elbow that doesn't allow him to straighten his arms all the way out. Today Paul had less trouble with names. He was able to say "Carolyn", "Tabitha", "Mom", "Dad", "Bobby", "Munchie" (the cat), "Ozzie" (the dog) and "Maxwell". Tabby also worked on the parts of the face. He can point to his eyes, nose, chin, cheeks, ears and forehead by copying Tabby. They also did exercising with his eyebrows ... up, down and one up the other down. He also did the hand signs (the vulcan sign). She tried to get him to exercise his mouth and tongue. He was able to make mouth movement to make sounds but not without sound. This evening I was getting his dinner tray ready and asked him if it was OK and he said "OK". Paul gets his medicines at 9pm and he gets pretty tired within about 20 minutes. While Tabby, Dad & Paul were watching a movie Paul used his elbow to get Tabby's attention and she asked him if he needed something. It sounded like he said "yell" which we took to mean yes. He was able to walk with assistance to the bathroom although he was pretty tired. Paul has had a pretty busy and a very good weekend.

Have a great day, Lynne & Carl

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/27/07

Dear Friends:

Thursday was a light day. Paul did his normal walking but not much else. Friday he did his exercises. Dad said he seems to work out about every other day. He did some standing but he really didn't want to do that. He sat at the edge of the bed for about 40 minutes and he finally stood a couple of times. He did some stomach crunches and leg lifts. Dad said he has been trying to get Paul to say his name. He asks him frequently during the day to say "Paul". He can repeat it when Dad says it but then Dad asks him "what is your name?" and Paul cannot say his name. He doesn't seem to be able to remember anything from one minute to the next. He can repeat almost anything you say (one word at a time usually) but he usually cannot repeat it without copying you. Friday evening Tabby worked with Paul to identify parts of his face. He could point to his nose, mouth, forehead, ears, eyes by copying Tabby but he didn't do as well by asking him to point to those parts on his own. He got some right but not many. Saturday Dad slept in a bit. Max slept in a bit too. Tabby went out to do some grocery shopping in the morning so she could be home in time for us to go to lunch with Bill & Ronda. Paul wasn't interested in doing exercises. Dad tried to get him to work out and he started to do it but when Dad went to help him get up he suddenly decided he didn't want to do it. Tabby asked him today how he was feeling and he said "I feel nice". This is a new word for him!! Later Dad asked Paul "do you know my name?" and Paul said "Jane". I'm not sure where that came from ... another word we haven't worked with him on. Tonight we went out for dinner to celebrate Dad's birthday. We went to the Chinese restaurant in Centreville. All of the kids came ... we had twelve for dinner. While we were waiting for our dinner to come Paul looked over at Tabby and said "I love you". What a great moment! We've also noticed that Paul's words have become more clear. He was able to say "happy birthday" and "Cruise" (the name for his stuffed Rotweiler puppy that he got when he was in the hospital). Names have been difficult so this is an accomplishment! He is getting better at pronouncing his letter sounds. We are certainly hopeful that he will continue to get better since he makes small improvements each day!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/24/07

Dear Friends:

Dad worked with Paul to do some exercises this afternoon. He did five arm curls with each arm, ten stomach crunches and ten leg lifts with each leg. He didn't want to do them but he kept going and got a good workout. Dad had him work with a 5 lb weight. His arms have gotten strong enough to control the weights without dropping them. He is controlling his wrists more too. He does almost as much with the right arm as he does with the left. He actually has more mobility in the right arm but has more strength in the left arm. Paul got a haircut today. Dad has an electric trimmer and Paul gets his hair "buzzed". It really makes it easier to clean his scalp. Max is so good at crawling now. He is FAST! He has also discovered the steps and can get up them pretty quick. He really likes the steps. Pap-Paw has to watch him really close. Tonight Tabby was working with speech. Paul was able to count from one to five without any help but he seems to get stuck on six most of the time. Tabby started him again at six and he was able to continue on to ten with minimal help. She tried to get him to do the alphabet without much prompting. He starts with A and can do B but gets stuck after that. He can repeat all the letters but he hasn't been able to do the letters in order yet. Tabby also had him do a series of three words at a time and he was able to do that a couple of times. Multiple syllables and multiple word sentences are still hard for him. At one point tonight he started rambling off words and said "I am open ... (something inaudible)". We've never worked on the work "open". He hears it often but we haven't had him try to repeat it. It is interesting sometimes what words he says without any help ... it is evident he knows some words but has a hard time conveying them to us. How frustrating that must be for him! Tabby is enjoying her new job. It is a fun atmosphere for her and she likes her coworkers. It seems she made a good move by taking this new job!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/23/07

Dear Friends:

Paul had a pretty good day today. Dad said he didn't do much exercise but he was able to steady himself when walking to the bathroom so that he isn't leaning on Dad so much. When he walks Dad has to hold him in case he loses his balance and begins to fall either forward or backward. Consequently he leans on Dad quite a bit when walking. In order to discourage him from leaning Dad is trying to get him to stand straighter and practice balancing himself. Hopefully over time he will get better and be able to walk with less assistance or possibly with the walker! This evening when Tabby came home she asked Paul how he was doing. She does this every evening but tonight he answered her with "tired". It is wonderful when he responds with words!! He doesn't do it much but when he does ... oh how wonderful it is!! Lately he has been giving Tabby hugs when she asks him for one. He holds out his arms and she cuddles with him while he wraps his arms around her. It is such a nice emotional moment for them! Since Paul has been feeling better Dad plans to get back to work with Paul's exercises! He hasn't done that much over the last week ... we don't need him to be lazy and out of shape!!! LOL

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/22/07

Dear Friends:

I apologize for not keeping up the last few days. All is OK ... just quiet. Paul is feeling better than he was last week. Friday night was Bobby's birthday dinner. We went to the Akasaka Japanese Steak House. Paul always enjoys that. We had a great dinner and then the ladies there play a birthday song and put a balloon hat on the birthday person. They bring a bowl of ice cream with a candle too! Some of you may remember the hat from Paul's birthday!! Anyway we had a good time. Saturday Tabby's parents and brother came to visit. Tabby's dad gave her his old computer and he set it up for her. Bobby & Jen went to a hockey game. That meant getting up early (11am is EARLY for Bobby!! LOL). Dad & I went out to El Agave for lunch with Bill & Ronda. Paul didn't go since Gladys (the nurse) had already given Paul his lunch. Paul did some practice standing up with the walker that evening. When he feels good he can do this quite well. At bedtime Dad asked Paul if he was OK and Paul nodded yes, then dad said "do you need something?" and Paul nodded again. Dad asked "what do you need?". Paul SAID "coke"!!! All dad had was Sprite Zero but Paul said that was OK. This is pretty amazing ... he doesn't usually answer us with anything other than a yes or no! Tabby went out with Bobby & Jen Saturday night. They enjoy doing Karaoke so they went out to continue the celebration of Bobby's birthday. Sunday was Paul & Tabby's 7th wedding anniversary. They didn't do anything special but Bobby remembered to get Tabby flowers from Paul!! Maybe next year they can celebrate in a more appropriate fashion!! Sunday Max came to church with Pap-paw. He was doing well until one of the other babies began paying attention to him and he all of a sudden got upset ... Pap-Paw had to take him out. Oh well ... I guess he needs more exposure to other children! Tabby went to Carolyn & Billy's to help with the cleaning out of Franny's bedroom. It has been several months since she passed away and it is time to get things cleaned out. Billy's Aunt came over to get some of her sister's things that she has been wanting. They are making good progress! That afternoon Paul went upstairs to watch the football game. He hasn't been upstairs much since it is hard for him to get in and out of the bathroom up there. He stayed up there until almost 6pm. It was snowing all afternoon. It was a beautiful snow but the road became dangerous very quickly. Dad ended up staying overnight so that he could be at Paul's first thing on Monday. Tabby started her new job today. She likes the place and everyone was very glad to have her. Tonight Tabby worked with Paul to do his numbers (he did one to ten without even using fingers to count with), he did all the letters of the alphabet (with prompting), he did all the months of the year although he had some trouble with January & February (they are pretty hard). Dad has been working with him to be able to say his name. He can do it some of the time. As you can see....our lives are busy even though not much new is happening with Paul. He continues to do well. We are so grateful that he continues to make progress. Many of our days seem to be the same but as I've said before we have good things happen all the time! Thanks for your continued prayer ... our God continues to give us strength and blesses our lives each day.

Love & Hugs, Lynne & Carl

Friday, January 19, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/18/07

Dear Friends:

Paul seems to be feeling better each day. He is still complaining that he doesn't feel good and doesn't try to do his exercises. Today he was able to sit up at the side of the bed for a while in between trips to the bathroom (which is the exercise that he usually gets most). He continues to try to say words that we haven't really worked with him to say. Sometimes he will start to copy what we say and then he just says something on his own. It doesn't always make sense but at least we can see that he is trying to say something on his own. Dad said that today Paul was able to count to nineteen. He had trouble with 11, 12 & 13 but then he was able to do 14-19 without any trouble. Max has become quite mobile and Pap-Paw has to watch him pretty closely. He has figured out how to pull himself to a standing position by grabbing onto the couch or chairs in the living room. He hasn't figured out how to get back down so many times he begins to fall. Pap-Paw has to be ready to catch him ... and sometimes the chair too since Max doesn't let go!! Dora (the nurse) is still sick. Thank goodness it is almost the weekend! Tabby worked late today. Friday is her last day at this job and she will start her new job on Monday. Bobby's birthday is Friday so we will have an outing to dinner if the weather is good. Paul usually enjoys going out for dinner!

Have a great weekend! Lynne & Carl

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/16/07

Dear Friends:

Paul was feeling better today. He had a quiet day and didn't do much exercise today. This evening after Tabby got home they took a trip to Paul's work. Most of the people in the store were different. The new people don't really know Paul but everyone knows OF him. He got to see several of the mechanics that he use to work with and they were tickled to hear him talk. The owners were not there but his old boss, Rick was there and got to visit with him. Everyone was happy to see him. Afterward there was a stop at Target on the way home to pick up some things. Paul "walked" behind Tabby through the store. What was suppose to be a couple of items became a whole cart full of things!! A kind women followed Tabby out to the car and had her children pick up the things that had fallen out of the cart!! LOL Of course a trip to Starbucks was in order on the way home as well! When they got back home and got Paul settled in Dad took a trip to Carolyn's to deliver Tabby's old dishwasher. It was late so Dad met Ronda, Bill, Michelle & Me at Denny's for coffee and dessert! It is nice to be able to get out with friends ... we enjoy out trips to Denny's!! It is good to get away with friends!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/15/07

Dear Friends:

Paul wasn't feeling well today. It is possible he is coming down with a cold since Dora (the day nurse) has a cold. Dad had trouble getting him to walk to the bathroom. Although Paul didn't do much today, tonight Tabby was able to get Paul to count without holding up fingers. She got him started and he continued to ten. He also did the alphabet. Since today was a holiday I was at home most of the day. I made dinner to take to Paul this evening. I don't get many opportunities to make dinner since nobody is ever at my house anymore. It was nice to be able to do that. Nothing fancy ... meatloaf, potatoes & peas ... but it was a favorite in our house when the kids were small. Max has now figured out how to pull himself up to a standing position in his playpen. He really enjoys standing up. He is getting two more teeth so he was pretty fussy today as well. Dad has his hands full most days but he enjoys Max a whole bunch.

Have a great day, Lynne & Carl

Monday, January 15, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/14/07

Dear Friends:

The last few days have been pretty quiet. Paul has not been interested in doing much. He still continues to say words that are repeated and sometimes he says things that are random. He is getting better about using the words "yes" and "no" when we ask him questions. He will sometimes voluntarily say yes or no without us prompting him. As always we try to respect his answers to us as what he really wants even when it doesn't seem to make sense. The last few days he has shook his head "no" for lots of things. He seems to want to talk to us a lot but doesn't say anything and it is hard to figure out what he wants. He shakes his head no to most things we ask him. He continues to practice with his counting and can say most of the alphabet. Friday night Paul told Tabby "I ... want ... you" without copying anyone. Sometimes Tabby will start him with "I ... Want ... " and she will let him finish the sentence. It takes him a little time to say something and sometimes he says things that are not understandable but sometimes he says things we are surprised by! She went to hug him and he gave her a big hug! Paul has also learned how to say "I'm OK". Gladys (the weekend nurse) made chicken and fried rice for lunch on Saturday. She was very excited that Paul enjoyed it so much. He ate most of a whole plateful of it. Saturday was a nice day in the 50's. Paul was able to go outside and sit under the Gazebo for a bit in the afternoon. It started to drizzle a little bit but he was able to be outside for about an hour. Tabby and Alysa were playing catch with Ozzy and it was very entertaining. Sunday Tabby spent most of the day with Bobby, Jen, Ty & Karen. Dad & I stayed with Paul. Paul wanted some quiet time this afternoon. Dad asked him if he wanted us to leave the room and he nodded "yes" so we went upstairs and spent some time watching the football game so he could have some "alone" time. Tabby said he does that every so often. He doesn't get much of that if you think about it ... someone is there with him almost ALL the time. Monday is a holiday but Tabby has to work so Dad will be on the job first thing in the morning. Hopefully Paul will get back into his routine and work outs! Have a great day!!

Love & Hugs, Lynne & Carl

Friday, January 12, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/11/07

Dear Friends:

Paul had a much better day. This morning Dad asked Paul if he was hungry and Paul looked at him and SAID "yes". Then Dad asked him "do you want some carrots?" and Paul again SAID "yes". Later Dad had him work with the 10lb dumbbells, do some sit-ups and roll over on his side and back. Then Dad was able to get Paul (with lots of encouragement) to get over onto his stomach. He didn't like it and when Dad asked him if it hurt his stomach Paul nodded "yes". While he was on his stomach he was able to get onto his knees with his elbows on the bed. This is a significant improvement and shows lots of body strength. After dinner Paul wanted to sit at the bedside for a bit. Dad let him sit there for a bit while Max was eating his dinner, then asked Paul if he wanted to practice some standing. He nodded his head "yes" so Dad gave him the walker and let him practice standing up and sitting down. He can do this all by himself lately. He started off a bit rocky since he didn't lean forward enough but after he was able to get up he stood and sat down about 6 times. Then Dad asked him if he was done or did he want to continue and Paul SAID "I want ... " and muttered something Dad didn't understand so Dad let him work some more. He did about 6 more times. After that he was pretty tired. Dad said Max tried to stand up by himself today too! Oh boy ... they are both going to be walking at the same time ... LOL!! Tonight Tabby worked with Paul's counting and alphabet. He did pretty good. Tabby tried to get Paul to do A, B, C ... and he said "A, B, E". He does his numbers but the alphabet is a bit harder. He'll get it ... just think ... only three weeks ago he couldn't do ANY of that! Isn't God good?

Have a great weekend ... TGIF!! Lynne & Carl

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/10/07

Dear Friends:

Tuesday morning Dad worked with Paul's numbers. He was able to count to ten by himself. When he got done with that Dad asked him if he knew what the numbers were and he nodded "yes" so Dad told Paul he was going to test him. He held up three fingers and Paul said "three" then he held up two fingers and Paul said "two" and finally he held up four fingers and Paul said "four"!! This was so wonderful but then a few minutes later Dad held up one finger and Paul said "eleven". Later that evening Tabby and Max, Dad, Bobby, Carolyn & I took Paul to visit at Manor Care in Fair Oaks. This is the nursing home where Paul was at this time last year. There was only one of the therapists still there that had worked with Paul. She was so excited to see how well Paul was doing. When he left there he wasn't talking and didn't even really make eye contact with anyone yet. The therapists there were wonderful and were able to get Paul to do things that were pretty amazing at the time. They always had hope for him to be better and worked really hard with him. It was nice to be able to go back and show Ashee (the therapist) how well he is doing now. He was able to get up and walk with the parallel bars with only minor assistance to keep his balance. She was so amazed! After we left Manor Care we all went out for dinner at the Japanese Steak house in Fair Lakes which is only a couple miles from the nursing home. After we got Paul home he was pretty tired and said he didn't feel very good. Dad & Tabby needed to get Paul's coat off of him but he wouldn't let them. When they tried ... he struggled with them. It was almost comical how hard he worked to prevent them from taking off his coat. They finally got it off but he had almost worn himself out fighting with them. After they got it off Tabby reached over to hug Paul and although he hugged her ... he immediately pushed her away again. He was pretty mad at them!! LOL A short time later it was time for bed and he was exhausted! Wednesday Paul was very uncooperative. He didn't want to count or exercise. I suppose he was worn out from Tuesday ... or maybe he is a little discouraged that he cannot do better. I hope it was just exhaustion. Dad didn't push him and let him have a quiet day. When Dad arrived this morning he found Max STANDING in his crib. Since the mattress is still up pretty far he was up higher than the top rail. Needless to say Pap-Paw had to lower the mattress today! Max is growing so fast!!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl

Monday, January 08, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/08/07

Dear Friends:

Today was another really good day. Dad tried to count with him this morning. He held up three fingers and Paul said "four". Dad said "no ... try again" and he said "four" again. Then Dad asked him to try again and Paul SAID "no". Each time Dad asked him to try he said "no". Dad has been having Paul use his words more when he is asked questions. Instead of nodding or shaking his head he must say "Yes" or "No". Then tonight Dad asked Paul if he wanted to practice standing he shook his head "no" but Bobby came in and said he wanted to watch and get a video. Paul stood up and then proceeded to turn the walker towards the kitchen and take some steps. Tabby was behind and Dad was in front and they walked several steps. He is getting stronger and can balance himself much better. Later Tabby was working with numbers. She showed him her fist with no fingers and the said "basic" she said "I know it is basic but how much is it?" and he said "nothing". He seems to understand so much lately! For the last couple of days Paul has been hugging Tabby. She tells him to open his arms and he does then she reaches for him and he wraps his arms around her!! It is wonderful to see. Dad said he really misses her during the day ... and any time that she isn't there! Tabby gave her two weeks notice at work today. They are really unhappy about losing her although they understand her position. It is too bad that they cannot meet her financial needs because she was beginning to enjoy the job. Just before bedtime again tonight Paul was wanting to do some exercises. He really likes doing the stomach crunches and leg lifts. He now gets himself positioned in the bed most of the time. This last month has been AMAZING! God has blessed us with so many good things ... we are off to a good start for 2007 don't you think?

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/07/07

Dear Friends:

It seems that everyday we get something really good and almost weekly something really spectacular happens. Paul continues to progress at almost lightening speed compared to what he's done for most of the last year. Today started out like most days. Dad went over early with Paul & Tabby's Starbucks. The lady at Starbucks also endowed Dad with a box of brownies. I think that is appropriate since he buys coffee there EVERY DAY!! Anyway, after Dad got them started he came for breakfast and then went back over to Paul's. It was another beautiful day in the 50's so Dad & Tabby took Paul outside around 10:30am. He was able to enjoy the backyard which now has a small Gazebo that Tabby bought with some of her Christmas money. While they were out there Dad & Tabby decided to have Paul walk around a bit. He was able to walk with Dad on one side and Tabby on the other side holding his arms. He walked the circumference of about half of the back yard. He had pretty good balance and tried very hard. It was quite a lot of walking all at once. They tried to get him to get on his hands and knees on the ground (on a piece of cardboard box) but he wouldn't have anything to do with that!! We will keep working on that. Tabby worked with Paul later in the day to say his alphabet which he can almost say without missing any letters. He was actually able to say W which is amazing since he hasn't been able to say that letter at all. Think of it ... it is the only multiple syllable letter in our alphabet!! Tabby sorta tricked him into saying it last night by telling him to say "double" and then "you" but today he said "W" without having to prompt him. This afternoon he said "I love you" all together after I said it. It is a short sentence but he can put the words together at times! They also worked on numbers again today and Paul was able to count past 10. When they got to thirteen, Dad asked Paul "what comes next?" and Paul said (without prompting) ... "Fourteen". It was amazing ... he KNEW what came next!!! She also can hold up fingers and he will count by himself to five. Sometimes she has to prompt him but he CAN do it by himself ... he can even do it with his own fingers!! He cannot pick out random numbers yet ... I mean to say you cannot hold up three fingers and have him know what they are yet, but he can count from one to five in order. Every once in a while he will say random things when Tabby is working with him. We are amazed when he does this (not to mention pleased!!). Tonight he was watching the movie Batman and one of the characters was talking about the art in the gallery and he said "art". This really took us by surprise since we weren't trying to get him to do anything at the time! It is amazing how much work Paul does lately. I think the doctors will be amazed when he goes back for follow-up visits!!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl

Paul's Update - 01/06/07

Dear Friends:

Dad had a busy day working with Paul. He did more exercises and standing. Max kept Pap-Paw on the run ... he crawls all over the place now. He has to be watched carefully since he has discovered that there are many interesting things on the floor that he can get to! Paul says more things on his own all the time. Whenever he says something I am amazed that he is forming thoughts enough to communicate words to us. It isn't much but I thing we can be hopeful for lots more over the next few months. Tabby worked on the alphabet again on Friday and he can do almost all the letters. He still has trouble with 3 or 4 of them but sometimes if you back up to the letter before the one he is having trouble with and do it again ... he can get the letter he was having trouble with! Tabby came home from work very happy. She was offered another job that will pay her significantly more income than she is currently making. She likes her current job but she really NEEDS more income. It looks like she will be changing jobs in the next couple of weeks. Sadly she won't be working with Carolyn anymore but it is a good job offer and she is excited. Saturday was Dad's day to sleep in. He was still home at 8am but had been awake since about 5:30am (when he normally gets up to go to Paul's). Tabby had errands to run this morning. She went to Starbucks for a bit then did some grocery shopping ... then went to gather wood in Billy & Carolyn's yard. The have a heavily wooded lot and Tabby has an outside fire pit that they like to have going in the backyard. Free wood is good!! Tabby got home in time for Dad & me to go to the Mexican Restaurant with Bill, Ronda and Jessie. We always enjoy this outing with our friends!! Paul was able to say "hi" to Jessie when she came in and then he said "I am good" when she asked how he was. Tonight Tabby was holding up her fingers and asking him to count. She started by holding up one finger and saying "one" ... then HE said "two" and "three"!! He copied a few more numbers then when she held up 6 fingers she asked "how many is this" and he said "ou" ... this usually means he doesn't know how to say what we want him to say ... so she said "six" and then held up seven fingers at which time HE said "seven" and then "eight"!!! Tabby was going to go back through the numbers again and she said "OK ... ready to count?" and Paul said "zero"!! We've never told him how to say any of these things!! Later when Dad had him up to go to the bathroom he decided he wasn't ready to get back in bed so he laid across the bed and started exercising his legs. Dad asked him if he wanted to exercise and he nodded "yes" so they worked on some leg lifts and stomach crunches. It is amazing that Paul has done so well these last couple of weeks. We are so thankful. Since we've always known it would take a long time for him to recover we try not to expect too much at a time but it is so wonderful when we see such improvement. It shows how wonderful God is ... he blesses us with these things just when we need it most!!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl

Here is a link to some photos that I took on New Year's Eve

Friday, January 05, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/04/07

Dear Friends:

Today was back to normal (whatever that is!!). Paul did his exercises today. More stomach crunches and leg lifts and stretches. He did really well with the stomach crunches. He did about 10 of them but he does pretty good with them. He also worked with his weights (5lbs). Dad hopes to have the weights encourage Paul to straighten out his left arm since it doesn't extend completely straight. Paul complains and Dad asks him if it hurts and he nods "yes". Dad has him do it as much as he can until it is uncomfortable for him. Paul did some standing at the walker today. He didn't really want to do it but Dad encouraged him and he did it anyway. Max crawled all around the house. He's figured out how to partially climb on the bottom rungs of the chairs and his high chair. Once he straddles the high chair he can move across the floor quickly since it has wheels!! He's learning quickly! It won't be long we'll be chasing him all over the house!! Tabby had to work a little late tonight ... she is allowed to have some flexibility with her hours as long as she gets in 8 hours a day. She went in a little late and stayed a little late. She was able to have lunch with Carolyn today. It is one of the "perks" of working in the same place!! Dad left early this evening since it was Bible Study night ... all things must be quiet ... we didn't hear any word from Tabby!

Have a great day! TGIF Lynne & Carl

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/03/07

Dear Friends:

New Year's day was pretty quiet for us. It is the start to what we hope will be a really good year for our family. Dora was off for the holiday so Dad & Tabby were in charge. Tabby slept in ... she was up late the night before! Not many new things the last couple of days. Tabby works to encourage Paul to say things that he thinks of by himself. She will say "I" and he will repeat "I", the she says "what?" and waits for him to respond. Sometimes he will say something random. Tuesday he said "I ... bathroom". We took that to mean he needed to go to the bathroom so Dad came down and took him to the bathroom. Today he said "I ... make ... funny". Tabby said this is a line from a movie that Paul use to quote. It seemed more like random thoughts to me but only he knows for sure!! It doesn't matter anyway because he said it all by himself! Dad has been busy the last couple of days and Paul hasn't really done any exercises. They hope to continue again tomorrow. Max is trying harder each day to crawl. He scoots across the floor and gets where he wants to go. It won't be long before we will be chasing him all over the house!! Tabby went on a job interview today. Although she likes her job she really needs to make more income. She still falls short of making her mortgage each month. If this interview turns into an offer and the are willing to give her enough to pay her bills, she will probably change jobs soon. Carolyn started working at her new job on Tuesday. She is working at the same place that Tabby is. She seems to like it so far. She enjoyed being at home for a while but was really ready to go back to work!

Have a great day, Carl & Lynne

Monday, January 01, 2007

Paul's Update - 12/31/06

Dear Friends:

This weekend has continued to be a time of wonderful progress. Paul worked hard with Dad on Saturday to do sit-ups, leg lifts. Dad gave him 5lb weights to work out with. He was able to lift them over his head!! Dad was able to get him to stand up and balance himself without any help. He seems to really want to work hard lately. Tabby spends each day working with sounds. Paul is able to say most of the letters of the alphabet. He still has lots of trouble with names but he can say so many things that he wasn't able to say three weeks ago. Tonight Paul practiced standing up at the edge of the bed with his walker. He grabbed the walker and leaned forward to stand up. Once he was up, he was able to steady himself and stand up for a minute or so. We were so proud and we asked him if he wanted to show Carolyn (his sister) who was upstairs. He nodded yes and Tabby asked if he wanted to show everybody that was upstairs. He nodded "yes" and so everyone came down to the bedroom to watch him. We had 13 people in his bedroom to watch!! All of a sudden he leaned forward and stood up ... without holding onto the walked!!! We were all so amazed and just looked at us like a cat that swallowed a canary!! He was pleased with himself and we were AMAZED!! That wasn't all ... then he grabbed the walker and started to walk to the recliner that sits next to the bed ... by himself! It was only small steps and only about three of them ... but he got to the chair and sat down. It was the perfect ending to a long year!

As we round out the year 2006 we have much to be thankful for. Paul has made such wonderful progress. We've been reflecting on where we were last year at this time. It was New Year's Eve 2006 when Paul was admitted to Manor Care Nursing/Rehabilitation Center. When he went there he still had Tracheotomy and a G-tube to receive nourishment with. He was awake but he didn't respond to anything. It was however a step in the right direction from being in the hospital. It was the first time that the family didn't have to wear gloves and gowns to be with him. During his stay at the nursing home he had the trach removed and was able to begin standing with the help of the therapists there. He began to do mouth movements and blow a whistle. He began to show us signs of emotion (mostly anger). He began giving Tabby kisses ... this was a significant because it allowed him to go to Mount Vernon Rehab, it showed that he was processing thoughts. After a brief and unproductive stay at Mount Vernon Rehab center he was finally able to come home in April. Once he came home he began to eat on his own (a VERY major event) which allowed us to have the feeding tube removed. He began to pay attention to when we talked to him. He began to have therapy at home along with 12 hour a day nursing care. Paul's progress was constant although slow. Eventually the therapists stopped coming because the insurance company would not pay for them to continue ... his progress was not good enough from week to week. Since then Dad & Tabby have been his only therapists. We've endured seizures, setbacks, drug changes, insurance company denials and job losses. All these things have been a trial for our family and we have dealt with frustration & depression along the way. But as we come into 2007 we rejoice in our family's progress, Paul's recovery, the birth of Paul's first child and the anticipation of Carolyn & Billy's second child. We are grateful that we have our God who comforts us. We have family and friends who have stood by our sides, cried with us, laughed with us and prayed with us. We've been blessed with folks that have given financially to help, who have brought food (and coffee!) :-) We've had friends who have volunteered their time to help with construction of Paul's house to make it ready for him to live in and mow our lawns.

With all the progress that Paul has made this year...we look forward to many more blessings in the year 2007. We thank you for being with us and pray that you will have a happy and blessed New Year.

Love & Hugs, Lynne & Carl