Friday, May 09, 2008

Paul's Update - 05/08/08

Dear Friends:

We’ve had a busy week! Friday I took off from work a little early so I could get some things together for the church yard sale. Friday night we stayed home. We usually eat with Bill & Ronda but we stayed home and had sandwiches for dinner. Dad & Carolyn went to the church to help deliver the things for the yard sale on Saturday. Paul & I stayed home.

Saturday morning started early with Dad heading to the church to help do the yard sale set up. Paul slept in a little late. Once Dad came back he got Paul up and dressed. After they had breakfast Dad & Paul walked down to the church. For those that don’t know our church is only two lots down the street from us. It is all downhill but Paul used his walker and did very well. They stayed for a couple of hours. Dad bought a treadmill for Paul to start practicing on. He hasn’t tried it yet but hopefully he will be able to do that soon. Dad stayed and helped clean up while Paul & I went to Warrenton with Bill & Ronda for lunch. Bill was able to help Paul in and out of the van. He also helped with sitting and standing and going to the bathroom. We managed very well.

Sunday morning we missed breakfast at Yorkshire Restaurant. Max came in time for Sunday School. During our worship time Max came into the sanctuary for the children’s moments and saw Pap-Paw & Daddy in the front pew. He decided he wanted to sit with them for a bit. I sit in the choir so I viewed this moment with joy! It is nice to see the three generations of Johnson’s together!! Max spent the day with us. When I came home from church everyone was sitting in the front yard while the kids (Alysa, Max, Lou, Nadia & Chris) were playing. Carolyn had gotten two riding toys for the kids and we already had a riding car, all of which were being used! Bill & Ronda & Serenity were sitting at the swing with Carl, Paul & Carolyn. We went out for lunch with everyone. Tony’s Pizza didn’t know what hit them!! LOL Max napped for a bit when we got home (so did Pap-Paw). Mommy didn’t get back until late and Max was tired from his busy day!

Monday was a beautiful day. Pap-Paw & I had Chris for the morning while Carolyn ran a special errand! I had a hair appointment at noon. Paul seems to enjoy having the babies here. He doesn’t do a lot of interaction with them but he enjoys the activity they bring. Dad was able to run a load of stuff to the dump in the afternoon. Most of the debris in the yard is now gone. The shed will be started soon! Dad saved an old motorcycle (which is really a piece of junk) for Paul to work on at some time. It may be good therapy for him! Dad & I had an appointment later in the afternoon. Paul stayed with Dora. Paul has been staying up until almost 11pm most nights. Several times Dad asks him if he’s ready for bed and he will start down the hallway, get to the end and turn around to come back to the living room. I think he just needs to stretch!!

Tuesday Dad had some errands to do and met me for lunch. We actually use to do that a lot and it was nice to spend the time together. As much as we love Paul, we don’t get much time alone anymore!

Wednesday Dad & I had a funeral to go to. Please keep the Rudolph & Russell families in your prayers as they grieve their loss.

Thursday is therapy day. Occupational therapy was at 10:30am. They worked on pairing up cards, putting 2’s together, 3’s together etc. When he got to 5 she held up a 7 and asked “is this a 5?” and he said “no”. Then she held up a 9 and asked “is this a five?”, he said “no”. She held up a Jack and asked “is this a 5?” and he gave her a strange look like “are you crazy?” and said “no”. When she held up the five he said “yes”! She had him do a special exercise where she had him putting cards in order and when she rang a bell she wanted him to stop and begin putting coins in a box. Then she would ring the bell again and he was suppose to stop and resume matching cards again. He didn’t do very well, he didn’t want to stop and had to be encouraged to stop and begin the next task. This will take a little more work. They worked on some visual exercises, batting a balloon and balancing a ball which he didn’t want to do. Physical Therapy was at 11:30. He had a substitute therapist. They worked on some exercises to start. Then the therapist put some plastic cones on the floor and he had to walk around them. He did very well with that. He understood what he needed to do and walked between the cones without knocking over more than one of them out of four passes. She tried to have him face the wall at a bar and stand on his toes but he didn’t seem to understand when she wanted him to do. Thursday was bible study night. Ronda brought a favorite for dinner ... Calico Beans & corn muffins! Paul enjoyed it ... so did we! Again, Paul wanted to stay up late and took a couple of walks down the hall before finally being ready to go to bed! It looks like we are heading for another busy weekend!

Have a great one! TGIF - Lynne & Carl

Friday, May 02, 2008

Paul's Update - 05/01/08

Dear Friends:

Thursday (the 24th) Paul went to therapy. Occupational Therapy started at 10:30. Amy, the therapist started working with Paul to toss a ball back and forth to her. She tried to get him to bounce the ball on the floor but he wouldn’t release it so she had him just turn his hand over and drop the ball so he can practice letting go of it. She had a balloon that she tossed to him and he was suppose to bat it with his hand. When she tossed it to him he tried to hit it with his hand but it tipped off of his hand and bounced back hitting him in the head. Dad said he got tickled and actually chuckled!! He never laughs so this was pretty significant … it is as close to a laugh as you can get! The therapist had to spend some of the session trying to get final authorization for payment for therapy from Medicaid so the time was cut short. The Physical Therapist worked on walking, balancing & tummy crunches. This takes most of the time since she has him walk in the hallway, down and back several times.

Friday night we went out to dinner with Bill, Ronda & Traci. We went to the Chinese Restaurant.

Saturday we spent the day at home, Bill & Ronda had a birthday party to go to in the afternoon so we didn’t get to go out for lunch. Later in the evening we went to visit Bobby & Jen at their apartment. We still had some wedding gifts to deliver to them. Paul has never been to their apartment since there are about 20 steps up to the second level. When we got to the bottom of the steps Dad put the walker to the side and Paul grabbed the railings on either side of the steps. He began walking up the stairs and did VERY well. He actually walked up the steps ALL BY HIMSELF!!! WOW ... what an accomplishment! It was an emotional moment for us! We stayed and visited with Bobby & Jen for a little while before it was time to head home. Amazingly, Paul was able to walk DOWN the steps by himself too!! Dad & Bobby were right there just in case he lost his balance but he did just fine. We went by Roy Rogers on the way home and had dinner. Paul got a large Strawberry shake. If you haven’t had shakes at Roy Rogers you need to know that they use REAL strawberries in their shakes ... Paul had to work really hard to drink the shake when the strawberries kept getting in the straw!! LOL

Sunday morning we went to breakfast at Yorkshire Restaurant. Max came after breakfast and went to church with us. He enjoyed Sunday School even though he was a little uncertain when I told him I was leaving. After getting a kiss from Grandma … he was fine and ready to play! He is talking more and more. He is quite a busy child but is very much a JOY in our lives! After church we headed home and had lunch. Pap-Paw and Max played for a while until they both went to lay down and take a little nap!!

Monday was a rainy day. I had a doctor appointment first thing. After coming home Dad & I went out to Best Buy so I could get a new printer. We also took a trip to Costco to get a new vacuum cleaner and a few grocery items. Paul stayed with Dora. She has become very good with Paul when Dad is gone and she is able to allow Paul to use his cane instead of the walker. She has learned to anticipate when Paul is losing his balance and if she corrects his balance in time he will recover by himself without her really having to “catch” him.

Tuesday Dad & Paul took another walk to the park. Dad has Paul use his walker and they are walking about a quarter of a mile. He walked to the park and sat on the bench to rest for a few minutes before walking back home. Dad had to go to Paul’s doctor’s office and get a new prescription for his medicine. Since he was out running errands he decided to come by my office and we went out to lunch together. We haven’t been able to do that much over the last year.

Wednesday morning Dad & Paul went for another walk. Again they took a break at the bench. Dad is hopeful that they will be able to start increasing the distance so he can work up to 2 miles. Later Dad, Paul & Dora went out shopping for a new shed. Carl wanted to see if it would be affordable to purchase a premade shed rather than build one himself. It was a nice opportunity for Paul to get out of the house as well. It has rained so much over the last week that Carl hasn’t been able to work in the yard much. Paul didn’t seem to feel very well later in the day. He has been going to bed around 10pm and waking up in the morning at 4am and, as tired as he was at 10pm, he didn’t want to go to bed until 11pm.

Today was another therapy day. The Occupational Therapist was sick so Paul only had Physical Therapy. The therapist had a walker without wheels. She had him position the walker to go between a stool, a pillow and a piece of Styrofoam. Then she had him balance the walker and stand on the pillow. He had to step up onto the stool and then step off. She had him climb the set of steps that they have and walk down. They went to the hallway and she had him “march”. She had him lift his knees up as high as he could and walk, then he had to go backwards. He stopped a couple of times and the therapist had to encourage him to keep going. She also had him do sidesteps while holding onto her hand. When he is holding her hands she can tell how much he is work he does to stabilize himself. He did better going to the left side than the right. We had bible study in the evening. Ronda made another delicious dinner ... pork chops & cheesy potatoes. Paul loved it! He stayed up until almost 11pm again. This week we will mark the two and a half year mark since the accident. We are also approaching the final steps of Paul & Tabby’s divorce. It is an emotional time for us. I am thankful for your prayers and continued support for Paul and our family! God has been good to us and Paul’s recovery has been full of wonderful miracles!

Have a great day, Lynne & Carl