Thursday, March 01, 2007

Paul's Update - 02/28/07

Dear Friends:

Dad went to Paul's as usual this morning but he had a doctor appointment at 9:20 am. I went over to sit with Max while Dad went to the doctor. I asked Paul how he was when I arrived, he said "I'm OK". He was watching the Today Show. Max & I came down and visited for a while. Max found that Daddy's walker was great fun. He was pushing it all around the bedroom. Dad got home around 10:30 and I headed off to work. Dad had Paul get himself up each time he needed to go to the bathroom this afternoon. It is good exercise ... and it gives Dad a break! Tonight Tabby had Paul do the days of the week. He could do most of the week except Saturday and Sunday. Then she tried to get him to count and she held up one finger and Paul said "Monday". She held up two fingers and he said "Tuesday" so she continued until Friday ... then he had trouble with Saturday and Sunday. He did each day by himself!! While they were watching TV this evening a commercial came on for a new movie "Meet the Robinson's". At the end of the commercial a dinosaur is trying to get the kid. The bad guy says "why haven't you gotten the kid?" and the dinosaur says "I have a big head and little arms" ... it was pretty funny (you can see the trailer for the movie ). Dad and Tabby were laughing and looked at Paul to notice that he had a great big grin on his face. Tabby kept repeating the line "I have a big head and little arms" and waving her arms. Paul would grin each time she did it. Laughter is something we don't get much of ... and although this wasn't REALLY laughter ... it was the closest thing we've gotten to that! Tonight after Paul had his medicines Tabby asked Paul if he needed to go to the bathroom. He nodded so she said "you need to get yourself up". He wouldn't do it ... so she left him and came back a few minutes later and asked "are you ready to get up now?". He shook his head "no". She said "if I give you a kiss will you get up?"...he shook his head "no". She said "how about a hug...will you get up then?" he shook his head no again. Then she said "Is there anything I can do to get you up?" and he shook his head "Yes" and held out his hand. She wasn't sure what he wanted but when she took his hand he immediately got up!! The fact is he just wanted a little help!!! Later Tabby asked him "how are you?" and he said "I'm awake" ... which is amazing since he'd already had his medicines and it doesn't take long before he is falling asleep. Dora left early this afternoon. She had a call from her son's school that he was sick with a fever so she left and didn't come back. Hopefully she will be able to come on Thursday. Carolyn was able to come over and help out with Max. She was off from work today. Carolyn, Billy and Alysa went to Carolyn's sonogram appointment today. It looks like in June we are going to have a GRANDSON!! Billy was very excited ... he was pretty sure the baby was a boy ... now he knows it is! They are considering the name Christopher William ... which is the reverse of Billy's name (William Christopher). We are all very happy ... Alysa will have a little brother and Max is going to have a cousin that will be only a year younger. What a blessing he will be!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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