Friday, March 16, 2007

Paul's Update - 03/15/07

Dear Friends:

Wednesday Paul had a pretty good day. He didn't want to exercise so Carl had him on the floor mat for about an hour. He was mostly just laying there but Dad sits at the end of the mat so that Paul has to raise up to see him. He is actually getting some sit-ups in doing that. Ann was feeling sick so Mom & I went to do some grocery shopping. We took lunch over to Paul's. Paul wanted a sub sandwich from Subway. We stayed and visited for a little bit before going back home. While I was visiting he was very alert. I asked him ... "how are you?" and he said "I'm good". He doesn't even hesitate when he says this anymore. Mom went to my sister Cathy's later in the afternoon and went to a play that was at Hylton High School. My niece Lizzie was the director of a fundraiser play called "Mr. Hylton". A good time was had by all! Tabby asked Paul how he was doing in the evening and he said "I want a hug". The speech therapist showed up this evening. She was very aggressive and started working with Paul right away. She was impressed with Paul's progress. Paul talked to Bobby on the phone. He picked up the phone and said "hello". Then Paul said "your fading" and held the phone closer to his ear! Everyone was amazed that he said that ... we don't teach him those things!! He also told Bobby "your very interesting"!! Bobby asked Paul how he was doing and he said "good". When Bobby asked him another question and he said "ow" so Tabby told him he needed to speak ... so he said "yes". The therapist was there and was able to see what Paul does. She encouraged Tabby & Dad to have Paul ASK for what he needs more often. She also suggested that Tabby not use her fingers for the days of the week but write the names of the days on paper and have him identify them when he says them. The doctor called tonight and told Tabby that Paul's sodium level is low. He told Tabby that maybe Paul was getting too much water but he has already cut back on his water. He wants Paul to get more salt in his diet. He also recommended that one of the Trileptol doses be discontinued. Thursday night will be the first reduction of the medicine. Dad will probably need to stay at Paul's on Friday night to make sure everything is OK. Medicine reductions are always scary ... keep him in prayer ... he's been doing so well lately that it would be terrible to have another setback.

Have a good day! Lynne & Carl


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