Sunday, March 18, 2007

Paul's Update - 03/18/07

Dear Friends:

We've had a pretty busy weekend. Friday Mom, Ann & I spent the day with my sister Cathy and her daughter Lizzie. It was a rainy, cold day but we went to lunch in Occoquan at a restaurant that overlooks the river. Then we did some shopping. It was nice to spend the day together. Dad said that Uncle Jimmy called and while they were talking Dad asked him if he wanted to talk to Paul. Paul really enjoys talking on the phone. Uncle Jimmy wasn't aware that Paul could talk on the phone. When he spoke to him, Paul said "hello" then Uncle Jimmy asked him how he was doing. Paul said "I'm good". He said I heard you had the speech therapist come and asked how Paul liked her. Paul said "I like her". Everything Uncle Jimmy asked Paul he verbally answered him on. He had a really nice conversation and Uncle Jimmy was very surprised. Later that day I called him and had a similar conversation with him. He answered every question I asked which is a marked improvement ... we've been telling him he HAS to talk because we cannot hear him nod his head. He understands this and is doing more talking!! Dad spent the night at Paul's in case Paul had any problems from the reduction in medicines. Saturday Dad was gone for much of the day. He came home to get some work done. Tabby worked with Paul some and she asked "who am I" and he told her "you are medicine giver". She asked him "who are you?" and he said "I am a Methodist". Pretty amazing!! Sunday, Dad went over and took Starbucks. He opened the door for the nurse and then went to breakfast with Bill, Ronda, Lew, Bill's Mom Shirley, my sister Ann, Carl and me. Mom wasn't feeling real well and stayed home until time for church. Dad went back to Paul's after breakfast to get Max ready for church. Max really enjoys playing in the nursery during church. There were lots of children today too!! When we went back to Paul's after church Tabby asked Paul "how are you?" and he said "I'm good". She asked "how's your day going?" and he said "good". She asked "What have you been doing?" and he said "nothing". It was an interesting thing to watch them have a "conversation". He is getting better at this. Although he cannot do it all the time, when he is having a good spell he does these things well. Tonight Tabby asked him "how are you" and he said a series of about six or more words. They didn't make much sense but the fact that he put a long sentence together is interesting! Paul has not had any adverse effects from the change in medicines. Thank goodness. I will be heading out to take Mom & Ann home on Monday. Carolyn is going to travel with us so I will have company when I come home. It will be a nice opportunity to spend time with my daughter! Please keep us in your prayers as we travel. Also please continue to pray for our entire family as it has been an emotional weekend for us all. Many emotional things have been shared and we need God's wisdom to make wise decisions. One of the things that has sustained us to this point is that our God promises that he will not forsake us and the prayers of His people have been our comfort.

Blessings, Lynne & Carl


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