Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Paul's Update - 03/20/07

Dear Friends:

Carolyn and I are in South Carolina. We travelled on Monday and arrived around 6pm. It was a beautiful day in the 70's. Mom and Ann are glad to be home ... and Ann's dogs were VERY happy to see us!! I called Dad to find out how the day went. Paul had a quiet day with Dora (the nurse). Max was fussy most of the day so Dad spent a lot of time caring for him. Paul continues to say new things each day. After Dad had taken care of Max's breakfast and had him dressed he went back downstairs to check on Paul. When he came in the room Paul said "Hi" and Dad said "hi" back. The Paul said "How are you?"!! He hasn't ASKED Dad how he is before. Later in the evening Bobby and Billy were talking with him . Billy asked Paul if he remembered who he is. Paul nodded "yes" and Billy told him "you need to SAY ... not just nod". Paul said "you are a felon". This doesn't seem funny but it relates to a family joke that has been going on for years. It was VERY significant for us ... since it shows he remembers something from before the accident that is funny to us all! This morning Dad had to be at Paul's early to get him ready to go and have his blood drawn. This is to test the level of medicine in his blood since they have reduced the medicine. When they went to draw the blood Dad left Paul's coat on and pulled up the sleeve. Once they were done Dad just pushed the sleeve down. Paul reached with his RIGHT hand and straightened up the sleeve then proceeded to SNAP the cuff! He managed to get it snapped by himself. I talked to Paul on the phone this evening and he had a little more trouble talking to me but he really does well on the phone. I think it must be because he HAS to think about what we are saying. The rest of the day was pretty quiet again. Max has figured out how to pull the nipple out of his bottle. When he does that he spills his milk all over himself. He thinks this is pretty funny! On a more serious note ... our family has been facing lots of emotional decisions lately. As a family one of the decisions we have made is to move Paul to our home. This will allow him to have more access to the whole house. We also have a room on the back of our house that can be set up as an exercise room. Dad will be able to work with Paul more easily. This will also eliminate Dad having to travel back and forth to Paul's so much. This decision has been difficult for everyone but will be the best thing for all in the long run. Please continue to keep us in prayer as we struggle through the emotions that we are dealing with. Paul has done so well lately and we certainly hope that will continue but it has been over 16 months of stress that we are seeing effects of. God promises that he will not forsake us and He won't. We know we are not alone ... and that is also where you come in. We are thankful that you are standing beside us and continue to pray for us.

Love & hugs,
Lynne & Carl


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