Monday, March 26, 2007

Paul's Update - 03/25/07

Dear Friends:

Paul had another great day. After Gladys arrived Dad got Paul into the shower. He hasn't been able to have a real shower for quite some time since it has been difficult to get him into and out of the tub. Dad had installed a new shower head that detaches so it can be held in Paul's hand. He was able to clean himself some and Dad helped with some of it. After breakfast we prepared to go to church. He was able to come to Sunday School with us. He attended the Worship service with us too. He did really good ... that is a long time to be out. When Dad, Paul & Gladys got home they sat outside on the front porch while I went and got Sub Sandwiches for lunch. This afternoon Paul was tired and napped while Dad & I went out to do some errands. We purchased a new outdoor swing for the front yard so that Paul can sit outside without being in the sun. Dad will work to put it together on Monday. This evening we had dinner around 5pm. It is really nice to be able to sit down together as a family. After dinner we went to a friend's church for his ordination as an Elder. Carl worked with Jeff for 30 years and it is a blessing to see him called to God's work! Once we got home it was time for Paul's medicines. He watched TV with us (Extreme Makeover Home Edition!) and he seemed to want something. Dad asked him what he wanted and he just said "ow". Dad told him to think about it a minute so he could tell us. Then Dad asked "does something hurt?". Paul nodded "yes" so Dad said "is it your stomach or head?" and Paul said "Bed". Evidently he was tired and wanted to go to bed. He was in bed by about 9:30am. It is amazing that God seems to be blessing the decisions we've made to have Paul at our home. He may heal faster and better with Carl's constant attention. Tabby didn't come over today. She picked up Max in West Virginia early. She called and said Max was fussy and not feeling good so she was going to take him right home and put him to bed. There is lots of flu going around ... hopefully he doesn't have it. Monday Carolyn will start babysitting Max during the day. She is at home with her father-in-law during the day and having Max will be a good situation for her (and probably Jim too!).

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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