Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Paul's Update - 06/18/07

Dear Friends:

Sunday morning started as usual with us preparing for breakfast at Yorkshire Restaurant. Paul usually has scrambled eggs but when I asked him what he wanted for breakfast I said "do you want scrambled or fried?" and he said "fried". So when we arrived at the restaurant ... that is what he got! It was Father's Day but Max didn't come to breakfast or go to church with us ... he was spending time with Mommy and Grandma & Grandpa Smith. After breakfast we came home for a little while since we have about 45 minutes in between breakfast and time for me to pick up Joanne at the nursing home for Sunday school. We headed off to church about 9:30 ... I went to the nursing home, Dad & Gradis took Paul in the wheelchair and walked to the church. After church we went home and prepared to have Bill, Ronda and Lew come for a BBQ. They actually ended up bringing Mike & Tracie with them. Paul seemed very tired after church and napped in Dad's recliner for about 1/2 hour. It was pretty hot ... in the 90's but we were able to sit outside for a little bit. Paul was sitting in a dining room chair that we have in the living room which is where he chose to sit after he went to the bathroom. He frequently changes where he wants to sit and for some reason he wanted to sit in this chair. I asked him if he wanted to go out and sit on the deck. He nodded "yes". Dad was already outside and I asked him if he could stand by himself. He shook his head "no" so I asked him if he would stand up if Ronda and I helped him. He nodded "yes" so Ronda and I helped him get up and use the walker to go outside. He really doesn't need any assistance once he is on his feet. We followed behind him until he got outside. Dad had him sit in the shade and he stayed outside until time for us to eat. Our evening was pretty quiet once the Davis' left. Paul stayed up until about 10:30 when he was falling asleep in the living room chair. Monday was a mostly quiet day for Paul. He wasn't very talkative. Dad & I went out early to get my glasses fixed. Somehow they came partially out of the frames so I took them to the place I bought them and got them fixed. Afterwards we went to Home Depot. Dad wanted to get some bamboo blinds for our Gazebo/Swing in the front yard. Dad cut down a tree in the front yard on Saturday and now we don't have any shade on the swing so his answer is bamboo blinds. They actually work great! We also bought a larger umbrella for the patio set on the deck since the sun is pretty hot on the deck most of the afternoon. Once we got home Dad started working on the blinds and I made Paul his lunch. Dora doesn't make Paul's food unless we specifically ask her to and that is usually because we won't be here at lunchtime. Dad & I had to take a trip to the airport to pick up Ruby at 2:30pm. We were gone for about an hour and a half. Paul stayed with Dora. Ruby was with us for dinner and Paul came to the table to eat with us. It was very nice. Vacation Bible School is going on at our church this week and I volunteered to help in the nursery with Ronda so I was gone for about two hours after dinner. When I got home Paul was watching Star Trek with Dad. Monday they seem to have a marathon of shows all evening. Dad & Paul like watching Star Trek. Ann, Ken & Ryan arrived from the airport (they took a separate flight) to pick up Ruby around 9:30pm. Paul stayed up until about 10:15 ... he was pretty tired. Tuesday will be a Physical Therapy day. I asked Paul before he went to bed tonight if he remembers his therapist's name. He shook his head "no" but when I prompted him with "Ca", he said "Cathy"!! I also asked him if he remembers the Speech Therapist's name ... again he shook his head "no" but I said "Br" and he said "Brooke"! It will be nice when he remembers without prompting ... he's so close!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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