Friday, June 22, 2007

Paul's Update - 06/21/07

Dear Friends:

Paul had a busy day ... starting out with our visit to Dr. Greysolvsky (Dr. G) at Fair Oaks Hospital. She is a Physiologist (Therapy Specialist). We headed out at 8:30am for our 9:30am check in time. The traffic was surprisingly light ... probably because school is now out for the summer. The doctor greeted Paul and he shook her hand. The doctor attempted to have a "conversation" with Paul. She asked him his name ... he said "ou" ... but once Dad prompted him with "Pa" he said "Paul". She asked his last name ... he said "ou" again but when prompted by Dad again with "Joh" he said "Johnson". She asked him how old he is and prompted him with "Twenty" and he said "twenty-one". Well ... he's twenty-six ... but at least he tried. She feels he has progressed quite a bit since coming home (as do we) and feels that he could benefit from more Occupational and Speech therapies. She said she doesn't like to give up on a brain injury until after more than three years from the accident. This is only a year and a half and he still is progressing. Hopefully the insurance will pick up the cost since she "prescribed" the new therapies. He will start with OT right away but there is a waiting list for Speech ... that's OK since we still have Brooke coming. Our visit was very encouraging! This afternoon Dad was walking Paul with his walker. He kept losing his balance and Dad decided Paul need to realize when he gets out of balance he is going to fall down. Dad decided to allow Paul to fall down. He caught him so he didn't fall on his own ... but he did fall all the way to the ground. One of the times he was out in the yard. He was a bit surprised but unhurt! Once back inside Dad got out a pair of knee pads got Paul down on the floor and onto his hands and knees to crawl to the couch. Dad had to tell him which hand to move and which knee to move but he was able to do it. It is a FIRST. Anytime Dad has attempted to get Paul on his knees in the past he wasn't willing to cooperate AT ALL. He had some assistance to get from the floor onto the couch. Although he didn't crawl far ... it WORE HIM OUT! Dad said Paul was in a better mood today and was more talkative. Paul spent the evening watching TV. He was watching American Chopper which is a show about building custom motorcycles (choppers). Usually he says he doesn't like the show but tonight he told Dad he enjoyed it. Tonight was the second night on his anti-depressants. Dad waited for Paul to be IN BED before he gave him his medicine ... it makes him VERY sleepy. We are hopeful that we are seeing positive effects from his new medicines. He certainly seems to be improving all the time!

Have a great weekend, Lynne & Carl


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