Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Paul's Update - 06/25/07

Dear Friends:

Sunday Dad got up early to get Paul showered and ready for breakfast. Gradis was late (7:30am) and Dad needs to have Paul ready by about then in order to get himself ready to leave at 8am. We met Ronda, Bill & Lou at Yorkshire Restaurant for breakfast. We have a little time in between breakfast and Sunday school so we headed back to the house for a little while. Our routine has been for me to leave at 9:30 to pick up Joanne at the nursing home and Dad, Gradis & Paul walk to church. Prior to our worship starting our pastor does a "greeting time" for our congregation. Paul enjoys this time and lots of folks get a chance to say hi to him. After church we headed home. Dad & I took a ride to Subway and bought sandwiches for lunch. Paul said he wasn't hungry when we were taking orders but when we got home with his Ham & Cheese sub he ate it pretty quick!! Sunday is pretty quiet and free of much therapy. Bobby & Jen came by to visit for a bit. They are all excited about doing their wedding plans. Dad spent some time talking to Bobby outside on the swing and I had a chance to visit with Jen. When it came time for them to leave they started saying things like "you look like your ready to go" ... Paul was listening and when Bobby headed over to Paul and said "well buddy" Paul immediately held out his hand to shake Bobby's hand! He was listening & following the conversation and knew they were ready to leave. Ronda & I went out to a baby shower for Missy (Lou's Mom). When I got back we fixed dinner and had a quiet evening.

Monday Dad, Dora & Paul headed out about 8:30am to head towards Fair Oaks Hospital for occupational Therapy. His new therapist (Amy) got him to work on putting blocks & pins in a box. She wants to get him to start doing more "daily living" skills at home. Things like combing his hair, brushing his teeth, shaving, dressing himself. She was able to get him to do some of the exercises she had planned today but some of the things he just wouldn't do. This is pretty typical but she plans to try to come up with a strategy for achieving goals for him. I stayed home to be here when Carolyn brought Alysa and her friend Sevira. Carolyn went with Billy to the doctor. When they got back I was able to spend some time with Chris (their new baby). He is so sweet and so little!! Carolyn is feeling good and Alysa loves holding her little brother. Dad had Paul try to spread peanut butter on ome bread for his lunch. This is one of the activities that the therapist wants him to try to do on his own! Paul was quiet most of the afternoon. He sat in his custom wheelchair for a while. This helps him with his posture since it is made for his size and shape. When he was ready to get up to go to the bathroom Dad allowed him to get up by himself. He has a little trouble with balance and still tries to lean too far back as he stands but he was able to get up mostly by himself. The wheelchair is at a good height for him to be able to stand without much help. At dinner time he was able to tell me what he wanted (when given choices and after much encouragement). Paul stayed up late ... 11pm. When I went in to say goodnight I asked him if he wanted to listen to his CD that was in the boom box on his nightstand. He didn't answer me but I put on some of HIS music. I don't know if it can help ... but it couldn't hurt!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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