Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Paul's Update - 07/16/07

Dear Friends:

Sunday started out a little different than normal. Our regular breakfast with Bill & Ronda was cancelled since Bill had to preach at the 8:30am & 11:00am services. Since Paul had been sick all day on Saturday we weren't sure he was going out anyway!! Dad went in to get Paul up and evidently during the night (Saturday night) he had done a lot of sweating. He had gone to bed the night before with a fever and it appears that he had probably had some sweating and chills during the night before his fever broke. He seemed to feel a lot better by morning. He had a little coughing incident while eating breakfast but he was fine after that. Dad decided to keep him home from church just to be on the safe side. By the time I had arrived home from church Paul had already eaten lunch and was watching TV with Gradis. It was a relaxing day and Paul napped off and on during the afternoon. Dad & I also took advantage of the quiet afternoon and took naps too!!

Monday morning Dad got Paul up and ready to go to Fair Oaks Hospital for Occupational Therapy. Paul seemed grumpy and wouldn't talk to Dad. He arrived at the hospital and nobody seemed to know why he wasn't on the schedule for the day. After some checking they realized that the therapist had changed his regular therapy days to Wednesday and Friday since that is when he is scheduled to have speech therapy. This works out pretty nice since it makes Dad only have to travel to Fair Oaks twice a week instead of three times. It would have been nice if they had called and told us about the change!! Oh well! Dad decided that since they were already out of the house they would go right to the Freedom Center and do a workout in the gym. They did the normal workout. Paul worked out on a half a dozen of the machines. When Dad asked him if he wanted to do the bicycle he said "no" but when they went to leave Paul changed his mind and so they worked on it for about eight minutes (six working out and two cooling down). He is improving with his routine each time he goes. He was pretty exhausted when he got home and spent some time resting and napping in the afternoon. Dad went out this evening to get Popeye's chicken for himself and Paul. I had a dinner out with the women at our church. Later in the evening Dad asked Paul if his muscles were sore and he said "yes". Dad's muscles are a bit sore too!! Dad is getting a pretty good workout too!! LOL Dad hopes to go to the pool on Tuesday.

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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