Monday, July 02, 2007

Paul's Update - 07/01/07

Dear Friends:

Friday was a quiet day for Paul. He was still a bit sore from the exercises the previous day. Dad took a trip to Costco to pick up some snacks for Paul. Paul spent the afternoon watching TV with Dora. Dad decide to see if Paul could read some sentences on a piece of paper. He wrote out six short sentences "do you want something to drink?", "Are you OK?" etc. Paul shook his head "no" as he read the sentences except one ... "I love you Paul" ... he nodded yes to that. It is hard to tell if he can read. He enjoys looking at magazines but we cannot tell if he is reading. We went out to dinner with Ronda & Bill in the evening. We went to Logan's Roadhouse and had steaks ... all of us except Paul ... he had BBQ Chicken. It was pretty late when we got home but Paul sat up and watched TV for a while before going to bed around 10:30pm.

Saturday morning Dad left Paul with Gradis while he went out to pick up the new front door that we ordered from Home Depot. It was pretty hot by the time he got it home and he didn't want to get started installing it since he isn't sure how long it will take. Uncle Jimmy will come up next week and help install it. In the afternoon we took our normal trip to the Mexican Restaurant. Paul doesn't eat the Mexican food since we are concerned that it makes him sick. It is a 40 minute ride in the car so it could be car sickness but since we started having him eat chicken, hot dogs or grilled cheese from the menu he hasn't gotten sick. He ate a grilled cheese and it must have been pretty good ... he ate it pretty quickly. After we got home we were able to sit outside for a bit. It was a beautiful evening so we had coffee out in the front yard. It was a quiet night and Dad put on the movie National Treasure. It is a pretty long movie but Paul wanted to watch it. When it was bedtime Paul started down the hall but got to the bedroom and turned back around and headed back to the living room. Dad said he stayed up until 12:30am. Finally Dad made him go to bed but he sure didn't want to!! Unfortunately even when he doesn't want to go to bed he ends up falling asleep in the chair which makes it hard for Dad to move him.

Paul was up early on Sunday and got showered and ready for breakfast at Yorkshire Restaurant. After breakfast Max arrived for Sunday School & Church. Dad headed out with Max, Paul & Gradis at 9:45am. Paul held Max in his arms all the way to the church and then repeated that coming back home after worship. Paul knows he needs to hold on tight and Max does really good at sitting still for him. Max is trying to do more walking but still only takes a few steps before sitting down and crawling. He is such a busy child and I guess he doesn't want to lose any time getting to where he wants to go!! LOL Max didn't stay for the afternoon. He left about 1:30pm. The afternoon was mostly uneventful but Bobby & Jen came by to visit. We grilled steaks on the grill and ate outside on the deck. It was nice to visit with them. Billy, Carolyn, Alysa & Chris came by after dinner and visited for a while. Carolyn said she weighed Chris and he is already 8.5 lbs. Monday will be busy with OT and the dentist in the morning. We will have a substitute for OT so it will be interesting to see how Paul does!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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