Friday, July 06, 2007

Paul's Update - 07/05/07

Dear Friends:

I hope you had an enjoyable Fourth of July. Paul was up early and got a shower. We had no nurse since it was a holiday. She doesn't get many holidays so I'm sure she enjoyed being off. Actually, I enjoyed having an opportunity to clean without her here!! Dad has to work a bit harder when Dora is off but he doesn't seem to mind. While I was cleaning Paul helped me fold up some washcloths that needed to go in our hallway bathroom. I roll them up and put a napkin ring on them and then put them in a basket on the shelf in the bathroom. Paul was able to roll two of them up for me and I put the napkin ring on them. Once he got them rolled up he put them in my basket. It doesn't seem like much but it was a controlled use of his hands! Dad got busy doing the trim on the new door that he installed on Tuesday. Paul was able to watch from his chair in the living room. When Dad went out into the laundry room Paul was leaning his chair back to try to see where Dad went!! He enjoys watching Dad work. We headed out about 5:30pm to go to Carolyn's house for a BBQ & fireworks. Bobby & Jen were there along with two friends of Bobby's. Jen's sister, her husband and their daughter Jenna came too. Mike & his girlfriend were also there. Carolyn had prepared lots of good foods and we had hot dogs & hamburgers. After dinner Billy did some fireworks for Alysa, Nadia & Sevira. Paul was invited to go outside and watch but he decided he would rather sit inside and watch Billy's high definition TV. We left about 9:30pm and got caught in traffic ... it took us almost an hour to drive what is usually a 10 minute drive!! Paul stayed up until after midnight again.

Thursday morning Dora showed up at her regular time. She & Dad got Paul up and dressed. Dad was planning to go and visit his mother. About 10am Dad told Dora she could go home since the van was going to be full with Carolyn, Alysa, Chris, Nadia, Sevira, Paul & Dad. She didn't waste any time leaving!! Paul sat in the front seat of the van. That way Carolyn could be in the back with the children. Paul had a nice visit with Grandma Johnson. When they arrived at Grandma's Paul used his walker and went up the handicap ramp to the front of the house. It is quite a steep incline but he managed it really well. Dad said when they got in the house and Paul was getting ready to sit, Ruby suggested that Grandma move the chair out a little for Paul. Immediately Paul reached out and grabbed the chair and moved it out so he could sit down!! When it came time to leave Paul had a little trouble getting in the van. He was pretty tired by that time. Tonight was bible study at our house. Ronda brough stew for dinner. It was delicious. During the study Paul got a phone call and he talked for about 10 minutes. He really enjoys talking on the phone but he got tired of holding the phone so he switched hands, then cradled the phone with his neck. He started shifting in his seat to get more comfortable ... it was interesting to watch ... and the whole time he was paying attention to his conversation! Paul sat up for a while after bible study. Dad was ready for bed about 11pm and encouraged Paul to head off to bed! He was actually pretty tired and didn't fight too much! LOL Friday Paul has an appointment with his general practitioner. This is a follow-up from the new medicine that she put him on to encourage brain tissue growth and synapses activity. It will be interesting to see what she thinks about Paul's progress!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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