Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Paul's Update - 07/28/07

Dear friends:

Sorry I have gotten behind a lot lately. So many good things have happened lately! Thursday Dad took Paul to the gym. They did their regular workout. They did leg presses with 185lbs. He did about 12 times. Dad tried to get him to do the bench press but he wouldn't do that. They moved to the machine where he has to sit and pull weights from above his head down to his lap. He did 40lbs on that machine. This machine stretches his arms and strengthens them at the same time! He is getting more mobility with the right arm all the time. After lunch Dad went over and picked up Max to spend the afternoon with them. Max is walking all the time now and he is also giving up his bottle. He is using a sippy cup and does real good with it. Our bible study was cancelled that night since Bill & Ronda are on a trip to visit Ronda's mom & dad in Indiana. We had a quiet night at home. Paul decided he wanted to come into my office while I was working on the computer in there. He sat at my desktop and I gave him my wireless mouse and a mouse pad on a lap desk. He took the mouse and moved it around the screen for a bit. I got onto the Harley Davidson website for him and he was looking at it but didn't seem to know where to go so he just moved the mouse around. I think he is interested in the computer but it may take some time for him to know what he wants to do on it. This may be worth more work!

Friday morning was therapy at Fair Oaks Hospital. Paul walked to the therapy room again. Dad has been encouraging Paul to walk all the time. He takes the wheelchair but Paul doesn't use it much. He only has speech on Friday. The therapist was able to get Paul to talk for about 45 minutes out of his hour session. They worked on the alphabet and counting. The therapist is convinced that there is a lot going on inside Paul's mind and she needs to figure out how to get it out! Since we feel that way too ... we are glad she is willing to be aggressive and work with Paul! She has promised to try to do something NEW next week to see if she can motivate him more! After therapy Dad got lunch for Paul and then headed out to the gym to use the pool. I don't know if I mentioned before that they have a machine that lowers Paul into the water. It is a slow process and Dad said the water was especially cold. Once Paul is in the water he seems to enjoy it. He has become more comfortable in the water and Dad was able to even get him to kick his legs. Dad is also letting Paul do more walking on his own in the water. It is really good exercise and it allows Paul to gain his own balance. Later in the evening Dad & I went out to dinner. Carolyn, Billy, Alysa & Chris came over. Carolyn & Billy were willing to stay with Paul while we were out. We had dinner and then went to a movie. It was nice to be able to get out ... just the two of us!!

Saturday morning was GREAT! Paul got a shower first thing. After he finished the shower Dad allowed Paul to dress himself. He put on his own shirt, shorts, socks & shoes!! He also stood at the sink and washed his hands, combed his hair & shaved. Gradis was so excited! She enjoys seeing Paul make so much progress! Dad & I went out to the farmer's market around 10am and also did some errands while we were out. We got home around 12pm and it was time for Paul's lunch. He wasn't interested in the normal lunch ... he wanted a Lean Cuisine frozen dinner. He seems to have a pretty good appetite lately and he ate the whole thing in record time! The afternoon was mostly quiet and we watched movies. Dad was able to rest some during the afternoon. Dinner was pork chops and sauerkraut. Paul ate it all (again in record time!!). We had Alysa & Chris after dinner and they stayed while Carolyn & Billy went out with Bobby & Jen. It is nice having the grandchildren over!! Paul had a bowl of ice cream after dinner. Dad gave him three scoops and Paul ate it in TWO SPOONFULS!! I think he got a MAJOR brain freeze ... the look on his face was priceless! He enjoyed it ... good thing brain freeze is not really harmful! Sunday should be another quiet day. We will worship God in the morning ... we have a lot to thank Him for!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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