Friday, January 05, 2007

Paul's Update - 01/04/07

Dear Friends:

Today was back to normal (whatever that is!!). Paul did his exercises today. More stomach crunches and leg lifts and stretches. He did really well with the stomach crunches. He did about 10 of them but he does pretty good with them. He also worked with his weights (5lbs). Dad hopes to have the weights encourage Paul to straighten out his left arm since it doesn't extend completely straight. Paul complains and Dad asks him if it hurts and he nods "yes". Dad has him do it as much as he can until it is uncomfortable for him. Paul did some standing at the walker today. He didn't really want to do it but Dad encouraged him and he did it anyway. Max crawled all around the house. He's figured out how to partially climb on the bottom rungs of the chairs and his high chair. Once he straddles the high chair he can move across the floor quickly since it has wheels!! He's learning quickly! It won't be long we'll be chasing him all over the house!! Tabby had to work a little late tonight ... she is allowed to have some flexibility with her hours as long as she gets in 8 hours a day. She went in a little late and stayed a little late. She was able to have lunch with Carolyn today. It is one of the "perks" of working in the same place!! Dad left early this evening since it was Bible Study night ... all things must be quiet ... we didn't hear any word from Tabby!

Have a great day! TGIF Lynne & Carl


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