Friday, December 22, 2006

Paul's Update - 102/21/06

Dear Friends:

The last couple of days have been pretty quiet. Paul's day is mostly uneventful. Dad was able to finish up the kitchen and now the only thing left is some paint on the new doors and one piece of baseboard trim. It looks great and I will be able to cook Christmas breakfast for my family! I do this each year ... it's a nice tradition ... and the kids can go and visit their in-laws after we eat and open presents. Anyway ... Tabby is still fighting a cold and she is missing Max. The house is surely quiet without him ... it just isn't the same! Pap-Paw is missing him quite a bit too. Paul continues to "parrot" what we say to him. It is our hope that he will eventually use the words he is learning to communicate with us. He has gotten down "OK" and says that without much prompting. He has trouble saying numbers but he can say lots of words. He also works with Tabby to do facial movements. Puckering, raising one eyebrow and then the other (even I can't do this!!), blinking, closing one eye and then the other. It is pretty amazing what he CAN do! The holidays are a difficult time since we really miss the old Paul so much. This is Tabby's favorite time of the year. She really enjoyed spending it with Paul and it is difficult for her to cope with not having what they had! The same goes for all of us. We are truly thankful for all that God has blessed us with but sometimes it is hard to be patient for the healing to happen. Carl is especially burdened lately since his mother is not well and may be looking at going home to our Lord soon. She is 92 and has had a very full life. Carl and Carolyn took a ride to visit with her today since she got out of the hospital and was at home. Friday Dad will go to Paul's as usual but the Starbucks trip will include a small change. Dad asked Paul if he enjoyed his Caramel Macchiato this morning & he shook his head "no". So Dad asked him if he'd rather have a Vanilla Latte tomorrow and he nodded "yes". Then when Dad was leaving tonight he said "I'll see you tomorrow" and Paul shook his head "no". Dad said "I'll be here tomorrow, do you want a Macchiato?" and Paul shook his head "no". Dad said "you want a Vanilla Latte?" and he nodded his head "yes". He apparently remembered the conversation from earlier! This is encouraging since we sometimes wonder if he really remembers things. Please continue to pray for our family and Paul's healing. I am reminded in a devotional today that "Your faithfulness allows God to reveal greater insight to you than to the less faithful. Faithfulness brings opportunities to you that are not given to the unfaithful. God takes pleasure in answering prayers that come from a faithful heart". Your continued faithfulness has allowed us to be blessed by God. Thanks for standing with us and praying faithfully!

Love, Lynne & Carl


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