Monday, January 01, 2007

Paul's Update - 12/31/06

Dear Friends:

This weekend has continued to be a time of wonderful progress. Paul worked hard with Dad on Saturday to do sit-ups, leg lifts. Dad gave him 5lb weights to work out with. He was able to lift them over his head!! Dad was able to get him to stand up and balance himself without any help. He seems to really want to work hard lately. Tabby spends each day working with sounds. Paul is able to say most of the letters of the alphabet. He still has lots of trouble with names but he can say so many things that he wasn't able to say three weeks ago. Tonight Paul practiced standing up at the edge of the bed with his walker. He grabbed the walker and leaned forward to stand up. Once he was up, he was able to steady himself and stand up for a minute or so. We were so proud and we asked him if he wanted to show Carolyn (his sister) who was upstairs. He nodded yes and Tabby asked if he wanted to show everybody that was upstairs. He nodded "yes" and so everyone came down to the bedroom to watch him. We had 13 people in his bedroom to watch!! All of a sudden he leaned forward and stood up ... without holding onto the walked!!! We were all so amazed and just looked at us like a cat that swallowed a canary!! He was pleased with himself and we were AMAZED!! That wasn't all ... then he grabbed the walker and started to walk to the recliner that sits next to the bed ... by himself! It was only small steps and only about three of them ... but he got to the chair and sat down. It was the perfect ending to a long year!

As we round out the year 2006 we have much to be thankful for. Paul has made such wonderful progress. We've been reflecting on where we were last year at this time. It was New Year's Eve 2006 when Paul was admitted to Manor Care Nursing/Rehabilitation Center. When he went there he still had Tracheotomy and a G-tube to receive nourishment with. He was awake but he didn't respond to anything. It was however a step in the right direction from being in the hospital. It was the first time that the family didn't have to wear gloves and gowns to be with him. During his stay at the nursing home he had the trach removed and was able to begin standing with the help of the therapists there. He began to do mouth movements and blow a whistle. He began to show us signs of emotion (mostly anger). He began giving Tabby kisses ... this was a significant because it allowed him to go to Mount Vernon Rehab, it showed that he was processing thoughts. After a brief and unproductive stay at Mount Vernon Rehab center he was finally able to come home in April. Once he came home he began to eat on his own (a VERY major event) which allowed us to have the feeding tube removed. He began to pay attention to when we talked to him. He began to have therapy at home along with 12 hour a day nursing care. Paul's progress was constant although slow. Eventually the therapists stopped coming because the insurance company would not pay for them to continue ... his progress was not good enough from week to week. Since then Dad & Tabby have been his only therapists. We've endured seizures, setbacks, drug changes, insurance company denials and job losses. All these things have been a trial for our family and we have dealt with frustration & depression along the way. But as we come into 2007 we rejoice in our family's progress, Paul's recovery, the birth of Paul's first child and the anticipation of Carolyn & Billy's second child. We are grateful that we have our God who comforts us. We have family and friends who have stood by our sides, cried with us, laughed with us and prayed with us. We've been blessed with folks that have given financially to help, who have brought food (and coffee!) :-) We've had friends who have volunteered their time to help with construction of Paul's house to make it ready for him to live in and mow our lawns.

With all the progress that Paul has made this year...we look forward to many more blessings in the year 2007. We thank you for being with us and pray that you will have a happy and blessed New Year.

Love & Hugs, Lynne & Carl


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