Sunday, December 24, 2006

Paul's Update - 12/23/06

Dear Friends:

Paul had a good day today. Dad got there early to make sure that Tabby was up and let the nurse in. Tabby headed off to work but only made it to the office when she got sick. Her trainer told her to go home so she spent the day in bed. Fortunately we don't see any symptoms of Paul getting sick as of yet. Dad worked with Paul to get himself up from the bed today. He tries and Dad is there to catch him once he is up since he doesn't have enough balance to stand by himself. I was off today and went shopping early to try to finish up for Christmas. Carolyn came over to our house to help wrap presents. Once we got finished (mostly anyway) we went to get lunch to take to Dad. Paul had already eaten lunch. We visited while we ate lunch at Paul's house. When it was time to leave I told Paul that I was going to go back home and finish wrapping presents and he said "OK"!! He responded to my statement! I love these small responses ... and they really are small but they are so wonderful! Dad & I went to a Christmas Open House tonight. Tabby was going to take care of Paul tonight since Dad wouldn't be back before bedtime. Bobby was there just in case she needed him. Saturday Tabby plans to go to West Virginia to visit with her family for a Christmas gathering. She will stay overnight and bring Max home on Sunday. It will be good to have him back home!

Have a great weekend! Love, Carl & Lynne


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