Sunday, December 17, 2006

Paul's Update - 12/16/06

Dear Friends:

Dad headed to Paul's early as usual with Starbucks in hand. Once the nurse, Gladys showed up Dad was able to come home and do some errands. Tabby was planning to spend the day with her parents so Dad had to be back at Paul's around 10am. She left to go to Alexandria to shop and look at Christmas lights. They had a good time. Paul had a good day. He spent most of the day watching movies. Dad had him up several times walking to and from the bathroom. Tonight I spent some time with Paul & Max. Paul was able to say "I am Paul". This is significant because he has never said his own name before. He said it very clearly! He also said "Good Night" when he was ready for bed. Max is spending the week with Grandma & Grandpa Smith. They took him to West Virginia for the week. Tabby has a cold so she is glad he won't be any more exposed to her than he already has been. Hopefully Paul won't catch it either!! Dad went today and picked up our flooring for the kitchen. He will spend some time over the next few days getting that installed so the kitchen will be done for Christmas!! Yahoo!!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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