Thursday, March 29, 2007

Paul's Update - 03/29/07

Dear Friends:

Wednesday was a pretty quiet day. Paul didn't want to go outside or do much therapy. He did do lots of walking with the walker. He now is using the walker every time (well almost every time) he walks anywhere. Sometimes he is so tired that we still have the wheelchair available. We worked a bit on the day of the week. He usually cannot get the day until you prompt him ... "Wed" then he says "Wednesday". He always remembers the "day" part once you get him started. He and I worked to identify things in the room. The TV, Lamp, Couch, chair, table and blanket. He still has lots of problems identifying them without lots of help. Billy came by on his way home from work. He plans to take Paul for a ride in his convertible possibly this weekend. Paul will enjoy that! Just before bed I was talking with Paul and he was smiling at me. He gave me a kiss and I asked him if I could have a hug. He nodded "yes" so I said "what do we do for a hug?" ... He smiled and held up his pointer finger and motioned as if to say "come here!" It was very cute. Paul was very alert and didn't go to bed until after 10pm. Thursday was another good day. After breakfast Dad went to the medical supply store to see about getting a more heavy duty walker for Paul. The one we have is good but just not wide enough. He gets his feet caught in the side bars when he walks. Dad got one that is rated for someone up to 300lbs. Paul does really well with it. Most of the day was quiet but Dad decided to do some physical therapy. Our laundry room has all sorts of exercise equipment including a weight machine. Paul worked on the weight machine first, then moved to the floor exercises. He did some work with hand weights then did some chair bicycle exercises. He worked really hard. He wanted to give up some of the time but Dad made him continue to work out. It is amazing to watch him and realize that doctors said he would "never be able to do anything on his own!!". Tabby came by for a little while tonight. She visited with Paul for a bit before she needed to head out and get some errands done. Dad asked Paul if he was happy to see Tabby & Max ... he nodded "yes". Tabby told him she loved him and he told her back "I love you". Tabby is still fighting a cold still but Max seems to be feeling better. Pap-Paw has been missing Max a bunch! We are amazed at how well Paul seems to be doing. Maybe the change has been good for him. Dad has enjoyed being able to work with Paul so much! Tomorrow we will be having lumber delivered for a new deck on the back of the house. Dad hopes to have Paul outside with him while they do the construction!! Paul will enjoy that I'm sure!

Have a great day! TGIF Lynne & Carl


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