Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Paul's Update - 05/07/07

Dear Friends:

Paul was up, dressed and at the dining room table when I got up this morning. Evidently he decided that he didn't want to sit in his normal place at the table ... he was sitting where I usually sit!! Dad had a hard time getting Paul to decide on what to have for breakfast. Dad hadn't let him sit in the living room and enjoy his coffee first so maybe he just wasn't ready to eat yet! Paul's dental appointment was at 10:30am. The doctor scheduled an hour and a half for the work to be done. Paul did GREAT. He sat with his mouth open for the dentist to do three fillings and an extraction of one wisdom tooth. He did everything the dentist asked him to. It is amazing that he can cooperate so well ... it was only about three months ago when Paul bit Gladys while she was trying to get something out of his mouth. I'm so glad he cooperates for the dentist ... it really makes the process easier!! When he arrived home he still had a piece of gauze in his mouth to absorb the blood from the extraction. We took Paul out onto the deck to enjoy the nice weather. Suddenly we realized THE GAUZE WAS GONE!! Oh my gosh ... he swallowed it?? We sure thought so. Dad put in a call to the dentist who wasn't too concerned. He felt that it would eventually pass through his system. Shortly after the incident we were back in the living room and Paul needed to go to the bathroom. When Dora moved the wheelchair (which was next to his chair) she noticed the gauze on the floor next to his chair!!! Boy ... what a relief!! LOL At dinner Dad asked Paul if he was ready to go to the table. Paul said "I want fun". It took a bit to realize he just didn't want to go to the table ... he wanted to eat in the living room. That's OK with us ... especially since he was still not feeling well from the dental visit! Later I asked him if he needed something. He said "yes" so I asked "what?". He said "I want drink". This is pretty amazing ... he did that without ANY help! He sat and watched TV with Dad most of the evening. At bedtime Paul told Dad "I need Adinol (sp?)". Dad thought for a minute and asked "do you want Advil?" and Paul said "yes". Some of his words don't make sense but he is really trying to say things more and more. Tuesday Dad will take Paul to Physical Therapy. We now have approval from Medicaid to take Paul to Physical Therapy for 12 sessions. He will do two sessions a week. Yahoo!! Paul's neurologist called tonight to say he wanted to talk with us about his MRI that was done last Friday. He didn't say WHAT he feels we need to discuss ... we are meeting him on Wednesday morning.

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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