Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Paul's Update - 04/30/07

Dear Friends:

Today was my day off and we were busy. Paul started out his day pretty much as usual. He really enjoys sitting in our dining room chairs for breakfast and that is where I found him when I got up. I guess he decided he needed milk to drink so he drank the milk in his cereal bowl. It was pretty dry when I greeted him so I got him some more. After I got my coffee I went out on the deck with Dad. It was a beautiful morning. Paul wasn't interested in coming outside so after breakfast he sat in the living room with Dora. Dad went out to Sears to pick up his new pressure washer. Carolyn came over about 10:30am and she brought Max. She and I were heading out to Southern States. I bought some new bushes for our yard and she bought a new plant stand for her front porch. Max stayed with Dad & Paul. It was a good opportunity for them to visit! When we got home Max was sleeping but he didn't sleep long ... just a little "cat nap". It gave him energy to play a little more before it was time for Carolyn to head home. Dad & I spent the afternoon doing errands. We bought some more chairs for our deck and we also bought a new hose caddy for the front yard. We are really enjoying the opportunity to be outside either on the deck or on the swing in the front yard! Paul doesn't always join us but he likes going outside too! Now that the weather is warm he will be outside more! Dad had planned to do exercises with Paul today but instead he just had him walk everywhere he wanted to go instead. This is good exercise all by itself and he is getting plenty of it!! He walked to the bathroom and back ... then to the deck. Later he went from the deck to the bathroom which is basically the whole length of our house!! This evening we sat on the deck to have our dinner. We were having coffee when Tabby came by with Max for a short visit. She stayed about an hour. Max crawled all over the deck while we visited. Paul was able to hold Max in his lap for a bit and he really did good with him. Bobby & Jen are at Virginia Beach. Bobby is training another cab company to use the automatic dispatch system that Manassas Cab has been using. It is a "working trip" but they are also getting a mini vacation out of it!! Tuesday Paul will have speech therapy. Brooke (the therapist) plans to be here for a half hour session unless Paul is doing so well that she can continue and make it an hour. I really like the fact that he is getting therapy again. He is doing so well with it!

Have a great day, Lynne & Carl


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