Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Paul's Update - 04/24/07

Dear Friends:

Today was a beautiful day and Paul started out with coffee on the deck with Dad after breakfast. They sat outside until about 10am. Paul helped Dad put together the new patio table that we had. He held the bolts and then was able to screw the table legs on. It has a glass top and has rubber cushions to hold the glass in place. Paul took the cushions from Dad and put them in the holes. He really enjoys working on projects with Dad. Paul's dentist appointment was at 10:50am. Dad & Dora took him. This visit was for a cleaning. Paul did EXCELLENT ... Dad said Paul held his mouth open the whole time the hygienist wanted him to. He did everything she asked him to do. She did a "deep cleaning" which even I have a hard time sitting still for!! She was even able to stick her fingers inside of his mouth and floss his teeth without him biting down. WOW ... how great is that?? After she was done cleaning his teeth he didn't want to get out of the chair. He put his feet down on the floor and wouldn't get up. He REALLY wants his teeth fixed!! Dad gave Paul some Tylenol after they got home and Paul sat in the big wheelchair for a bit. This is something the therapist wants him to do. Dad also let him practice standing from the wheelchair by himself. He is doing this better and only needs assistance from time to time when he starts to stand up wrong. Dad still has to be available to catch him if he loses his balance once he is standing. The goal is to be able to get up without ANY help. Tabby came over tonight while Paul was still eating dinner. She had some of his medicines that she'd picked up at the drug store. She sat at the table with Paul while Pap-paw and I sat on the deck and played with Max. Max is starting to let go of things and try to transfer without holding on to anything. It won't be long before he will be walking! Tabby stayed for almost an hour and we were able to have a nice visit. Many folks have asked me what is happening with Paul & Tabby ... the truth is that they are separated. Please keep them (and us) in prayer. This has been a difficult transition for all of us. Tonight Paul's neurologist called to say that Paul's sodium level is still a little low but is not in a dangerous range. His Kepra level is a little high, this is the drug that helps the trileptol work. He doesn't seem concerned about either level and wants another test in about a month. We also got notice that Medicaid has pre-approved the MRI for Paul so Dad will call the hospital on Wednesday to schedule a time for that to be done. It will be interesting to see if there has been any improvement since the last test!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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