Monday, April 23, 2007

Paul's Update - 04/21/07

Dear Friends:

Friday was quiet. Dad worked in the garage most of the day. Unfortunately Uncle Jimmy had to leave early because he twisted his ankle in the garage. He went home and put ice on it & should be fine but it ended his ability to help for the day. Dad & I had some errands to run in the afternoon so Paul stayed home and watched TV with Dora. After we got home we told Dora she could leave early since we were planning to go out for dinner with Bill & Ronda. We went to the Chinese Restaurant in Centreville. It is usually easier to get into on Friday night and we really enjoy it. Paul has Sesame chicken. After we got home I called my sister Ann to chat with her. Dad was getting Paul ready for bed. I went in to say goodnight and Aunt Ann was able to speak with Paul on the phone for a bit. They had a nice conversation. Paul usually enjoys talking on the phone. Saturday Gladys arrived at 7:00am. She immediately starts getting Paul cleaned up and dressed for breakfast. While Paul was eating breakfast Gladys began to clean. She is good about making Paul's bed, cleaning the bathroom and then she likes running the dustbuster in the kitchen and she even ran the vacuum. She likes to stay busy and looks for things that she can do to help. Dad was busy in the garage again today. Cousin Tony came by to visit for a bit. He hadn't seen either the deck or the loft before and was surprised how much work Dad had been doing. The loft is now complete and he is putting things up there. Paul's things will take up most of one half of the space but some of the things I need stored will go up there. Tony helped Dad move some of the heavy stuff up there! Paul was tired this afternoon and napped a bit during the movies that he was watching. Dad has been encouraging Paul to pull himself forward in the recliner and lean over his knees before standing up. He is getting better at this. He walked slowly with the walker and still has lots of balance problems but he seems to be doing well. After dinner we headed out to Hylton High School in Woodbridge to see the musical production of "Music Man" that my niece Lizzie was in. It was good and Paul seemed to enjoy it. When we arrived at the school Dad got out of the car but didn't unlock the doors. When I went to open Paul's door I had to ask him to open the door because it was locked. He reached up and grabbed the handle and opened the door without any trouble!! By the time we got home it was 10:30pm and time for Paul to be in bed. He was pretty tired! While we were gone Tabby came by the house and dropped off Paul's medicines and some more of his things. Hopefully Dad will be able to get it up in the loft on Sunday. She put it in the garage so it will at least be easy to get to!! Sunday is suppose to be another beautiful day and we hope to get Paul out on the deck to put together my new glider and the patio table. There is even talk about a BBQ!

Have a great day!! Lynne & Carl


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