Monday, April 30, 2007

Paul's Update - 04/29/07

Dear Friends:

Gladys arrived around 7am. She and Dad got Paul into the shower to get ready for our day. We thought we may have Max this morning but Tabby didn't bring him over so we all went out for breakfast as usual. When we got there we realized that we would have to sit in the smoking section and it was BUSY ... the owner said we could take Paul through the hallway where the bathrooms are to go to the back of the restaurant where it is non-smoking. The normal hallway to the back is very narrow and blocked by one of the booths by the doorway. While we were eating we saw Lawrence, Lewis & their Mom, Rita. We also see our neighbor Roger there quite often. It is a "local breakfast place"!! When we went to leave we went out the side door of the restaurant ... which was really nice because it was adjacent to where we were parked!! After breakfast we headed home for a bit before time for Sunday School at 9:30. We were able to sit out on the swing in the front yard for a bit. It was a beautiful morning. I pick up two ladies from the nursing home nearby for church on Sunday and Paul decided he wanted to ride with me this morning. It is the first time he has done that. Dad & Gladys headed down to the church and met us when we arrived. Our Sunday School class has moved to the upstairs part of our church (in the sanctuary) so that Paul can attend with us. He seems to enjoy being there. Just before the service started Paul was greeting people as they came in. He says hi and will shake your hand if you ask him to! After church we took Joanne & Wilma back home (Paul rode with me again!) and on the way home Paul was trying to see the stoplight ahead of us which was blocked by a truck. I asked him what color the light was...he said "ow". I asked him "is it red or green?" and he said "green". He knew what color it was when I gave him the choice of the colors available!! We went to Warrenton after we got back and had lunch at El Agave. This is something we usually do on Saturday but Bill had to work yesterday so we went today. Paul doesn't eat the Mexican food since it has made him sick in that past. He had a hotdog and fries. He enjoys our trip out there though! This afternoon was so beautiful and we sat outside again when we got home. Paul got a little sun on his face ... it is a little red! After we came in Dad went to lay down for a bit and Gladys started working with Paul to catch the exercise ball and throw it back to her. He did amazingly well at this. She was even able to get him to kick it to her. She is persistent and works hard with him. Later in the evening I asked him if he was OK. He shook his head no. I asked him "do you want something to eat?" and he nodded "yes". I told him he needed to tell me ... and he SAID "apple" without any prompting! WOW ... it was great! I immediately got him an apple!! He stayed up late again tonight. I think he likes being able to stay up late. Paul has had such a good weekend. He seems to do better all the time. It is very slow but like the tortious and the hare ... slow and steady wins the race!! We are so thankful for our many blessings!!

Have a great day Lynne & Carl


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