Thursday, November 16, 2006

Paul's Update - 11/15/06

Dear Friends:

Paul had a good day today. Dad went early to get Paul up and let the nurse in. He had to come home so that we could go to court. It turned out that we didn't actually need to be there because the guy was going to plead guilty to felony hit and run. Since I had the day off Carl and I did some errands and then I came back to the house to help him do some measurements for the drywall that he will install in the kitchen on Thursday. Carl and I went out for lunch together (that was nice!) and afterwards Carl headed to Paul's house. I ran some more errands and then headed over to Paul's to help out with Max so that Tabby could go to the grocery store and Carl could go and purchase drywall. Paul was alert and very interactive today. Tabby practiced with the hand movements again today. Paul is able to touch each finger with his thumb on his right hand. He is getting more dexterity with that hand. He still has to think hard before he can do it but he doesn't give up! Tabby also worked with sounds again today. Paul is getting better at making different sounds and being able to use them one after the other. We still only have one syllable sounds but with practice maybe he will eventually progress to multiple syllable sounds! Uncle Jimmy came by today to visit and go with Dad to Home Depot. He came in and went to shake Paul's hand, Paul reached up with his right hand and shook hands with him. Paul seems to be in pretty good spirits lately and we see a bit more facial movement. It isn't much but it is nice when we see a bit of a smile. Tabby got a call from the neurologist tonight. He told Tabby to go ahead and reduce the Dilantin. This will eliminate Dilantin from his medicines completely. Dad will stay over at Paul's house for the next couple nights while we go through the first 48 hours of decreased meds. Please pray that Paul will continue to be safe from seizures as we go through this process. He has done so good the last couple of weeks and we don't want any more setbacks!
Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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