Monday, November 27, 2006

Paul's Update - 11/26/06

Dear Friends:

Friday was a busy day for all. Tabby, Carolyn & Jen left early to go shopping (black Friday ya know!). Some of us are not as excited about getting up at 5am to hit the stores to find the "deals" but they went and had a successful day of Christmas shopping. Dad went over to make sure the nurse got there and then he headed home to work a bit on the kitchen. Aunt Cathy, Aunt Ann & I went over and fed Paul his lunch. He was having a good day and enjoyed his lunch. We visited for a bit and when it was time to leave he was able to say "bye". He has been very alert lately ... which we are grateful for!! Since Nana, Aunt Ann & Uncle John were here from South Carolina, my sister Cathy wanted to get together and do something as a family. Well ... sorta ... eight of us went to the theater in Centreville and saw a movie. Paul stayed home with Bobby, Jen & Dora. Max had gone to visit Grandma & Grandpa Smith (Tabby's Mom & Dad). They kept him for the weekend. While Tabby was gone she had a contractor come and install a privacy fence around the back of her house. Because she lives on the corner of a very busy road there is not much privacy and there was no place for Max & the puppy to play safely when they are able to do that. It looks great and will make her backyard a nice place to gather. Saturday was a quiet day for Paul & Tabby. The weekend nurse comes right on time. She really enjoys her job and Tabby likes her a lot. She was a little sad that Max was gone for the weekend because she really enjoys playing with him. Dad was working on the kitchen all day. Tabby was able to get out and do some errands by leaving Gladys at the house with Paul. Saturday night Dad & Uncle John went over and played some Rummy with Tabby. This has become a fun thing for Tabby & Dad lately. Sunday was my birthday. After church we went over to Paul's to spend time as a family. It was nice to have all my kids there! Of course we watched the Redskins Football game. Paul came upstairs and watched with us. Tabby's parents brought Max home. Tabby was VERY glad to have him home! Birthdays are traditionally a time that we all go out to dinner (birthday person's choice!). We went to Cracker Barrel for dinner and had a wonderful time. All were stuffed! What a wonderful end to a great holiday weekend. I pray that you had time with family this weekend and that it was as wonderful as ours was. Our Thanksgiving was a time to truly thankful for! Paul will go back to the doctor to have his blood drawn this week. It appears that he has adjusted well to the deletion of the Dilantin and the Trileptol is doing it's job. Now we will be in the "maintenance" mode as long as Paul doesn't have any more seizures. Thanks for your continued prayer ... God has certainly been doing great works in Paul!!

Have a great week! Lynne & Carl


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