Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Paul's Update - 11/28/06

Dear Friends:

Most of the days are quiet lately. With Dad working on the kitchen there is not much opportunity to have Paul out of bed and walking. Tabby works with him to sit up, adjust himself in bed and try to say new sounds. His use of the right hand has become better and more consistent. He seems very alert most times although we occasionally see things remind us that he is not always sure of what to do. He continues to improve albeit slowly. Tabby said that Paul had a headache today. We are not seeing signs of seizures ... which we are grateful for! Dad is mostly concerned that Paul's balance doesn't seem to get much better. It is apparent that Paul will take most likely years ... not months to heal. God's time is certainly not what we prefer but we continue to believe that he will be healed. Wednesday Paul has an appointment to have his blood drawn. This will continue to be done for some time since the medicines have to be monitored to make sure they are still working effectively. As I said we are seeing nothing but good things and we believe that his meds are proper at this time. I pray that we won't have to make any more adjustments for a while!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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